Mary’s role in the economy of salvation. While Jesus is the Mediator between God the Father and men,8 the Blessed Virgin is the Mediatrix between Jesus and men. It would be totally erroneous to think that devotion to the Virgin Mary is going to divert us from Jesus Christ or delay our union with Him. It is just the opposite. The Blessed Virgin does not want to monopolize us and prevent us from going to God. Essentially, Her desire, Her role is to bring us to God rapidly. All Her happiness and Her reason for being reside in that. So there is no danger in having unceasing recourse to Her, for She Herself will make it Her duty to lead us to Her Son, without any detours. She is the shortest road to uniting ourselves to God. I do not even dare to tell you everything on this point. I am afraid of making you lazy. I will limit myself to saying that in the final accounting, God is only asking us to take the trouble to come and seek His graces and to put ourselves in the dispositions to make them efficacious. These dispositions are also obtained through prayer. SHORTCUT OR DETOUR? 15 ————— 8. St. Paul, I Timothy 2:5 – There is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, Christ Jesus.