Magnificat May 2021

breaking upon us!” cried the peasants of the Vendée. And next to the cross, many of them wrote this invocation above the entrance doors of their houses: “Our Lady of La Salette, hold back the arm of your Son pressing down upon us!” Leaving aside all the towns and villages whose inhabitants succeeded one another night and day at the foot of the altar, let us go straight to Saint-Brieuc in Brittany. There stood an ancient shrine dedicated to Mary Immaculate, seat of the Archconfraternity of Our Lady of Hope. As they had done in 1848,10 the faithful of Saint-Brieuc, especially the members of the Archconfraternity, besieged the chapel of Our Lady of Hope and multiplied their public prayers. Novena followed upon novena, the rosary was prayed in common by an ever-renewed 10. See the adjacent text: Our Lady of Hope of Saint‐Brieuc and Canon Paul‐Marie Prud’homme. host of the faithful. At intervals, the hymn composed by Father Prud’homme, which had become popular throughout the region, was sung again: Mother of Hope... As the situation became more and more critical, the idea of making a vow arose in the hearts of the faithful. “To obtain the intervention of Our Lady of Hope and the assistance of Her protection against the scourges that threaten us, we promise, when these graces will have been granted, to contribute, according to our means, to the donation of a rich banner offered as an exvoto, which will have the image of Our Lady billowing in the air.” This vow, presented to and approved by the bishop on January 17 at about five-thirty in the afternoon, was officially made by some of the associates at six o’clock that same evening. This was followed by a ceremony of public supplications which lasted until nine o’clock. Once again, let us retain the date and the hour. - Heaven’s reply - Pontmain is a charming village in the Mayenne, situated on the border between Brittany and Normandy. Under the guidance of a saintly priest, Father Michel Guérin, its few hundred During the month of June following the armistice, thirty-seven out of the thirty-eight parishioners who had been mobilized returned to their homes. One was still missing, a prisoner in Germany. Trusting in Mary’s promise and the merits of Father Guérin, the missing man’s sister asked the holy priest to say a Mass for her brother’s prompt return. The Mass was set for June 17. The celebrant was about to go to the altar when the young man entered the village, safe and sound. Mary had kept all her proteges! Ex-voto hanging in Pontmain Basilica In honor of the Blessed Virgin, in thanksgiving to GOD for the return of 38 young men who came back from the service without any of them having died. Out of gratitude, they had a Mass celebrated which was attended by all of them and a great number of the faithful. GLORY TO GOD Honor and Love to MARY 1871