Magnificat May 2021

Magnificat Vol. LVI, No 5 125 inhabitants lived there as true Christians, in labor, simplicity and peace. But for the past six months, peace had given way to anguish: the country was at war. Soon the order for the mass mobilization of able-bodied men arrived, a call that affected thirty-eight young men from the village. With tears in his eyes but confidence in his heart, Father Guérin consecrated the departing men to the Blessed Virgin, confidently promising that they would all return. As for those who remained, the parish priest asked them to be one heart and one soul and to unite in an unceasing supplication to Heaven. From then on, every Ordained a priest in 1837, Paul-Marie Prud’homme had been named director of the Congregation of the Blessed Virgin of Saint-Brieuc and guardian of the chapel of the Immaculate Conception. Father Prud’homme had a profound devotion to the Virgin Mary and loved to invoke Her under the name of Our Lady of Hope. He regretted that this invocation was not more widespread, saying, “We have Notre-Dame des Victoires, Notre-Dame de la Garde, Notre-Dame du Bon-Secours, NotreDame des Grâces, Notre-Dame de la Délivrance, etc. Why is there not Notre-Dame de l’Espérance – Our Lady of Hope, since this title corresponds so well to the aspirations of Christian souls and since, perhaps better than many others, it is consecrated by the holy liturgy?”1 A miracle of the Virgin which took place in 1847 had given him the opportunity to spread far and wide this devotion so dear to his heart. That year, little Viscount Hyacinthe de Bélizal was dying of typhoid. Kneeling beside the poor patient, Father Prud’homme made this inspired prayer to Mary: “I have nothing more to offer You; You have my heart; I have no possessions, or if I have any, they are Yours. Grant the healing that so many pious souls are asking of You, and I will make every effort to have You called and honored with the title of Our Lady of Hope, for once more You will have proven that You are never invoked in vain by that name.” The Virgin was pleased with his prayer: soon afterwards, against all human prevision, the child began to improve. Faithful to his promise, Father Prud’homme became more than ever the apostle and the tireless propagator of devotion to Our Lady of Hope. 1. I am the Mother of fair love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope. Ecclesiasticus 24:24 Our Lady of Hope of Saint-Brieuc and Canon Paul-Marie Prud’homme (1812-1882) morning at Mass, the church was almost as full as on Sundays. The Holy Sacrifice was followed by special prayers for the soldiers and for the nation. In the evening, people gathered once again in the sanctuary to implore theVirgin Mary, Queen of Peace. Even the little children interrupted their school work from hour to hour to sing a verse of the hymn: My sweet Jesus, the time has come at last to forgive our penitent hearts. But it seemed that Heaven was closed to them... More and more alarming news reached the village. Defeats were followed by capitulations, Paris was besieged, Orleans 