O Jesus Crucified! Help us to carry our cross as You carried Yours!

Little Way of the Cross

for Children

Preparatory Prayer. Sacred Heart of Jesus, grant me the grace to make my way of the cross well. Teach me to love You more and more, so that I may correct myself of my faults and make You happy.
O my Jesus, evil men accuse You and want You to die on the cross, and You say nothing. As for me, I pout when I am punished, even when I deserve it. Next time I will be like You and I will not say anything. O my good Mother, please remind me to keep silence like Jesus did.
I. Jesus is condemned to death
O my Jesus, You accepted to carry the cross and suffer Your Passion to expiate my sins and the sins of the whole world. You did it to open heaven for us and for the wicked men who made fun of You. O my good Jesus, full of love, I want to love You even more. So that Your cross will not be so heavy, I want to avoid everything that displeases You. O my good Angel, help me to please Jesus more and more.
II. Jesus takes up His Cross
O my Jesus, You stayed in the tomb only three days. When they bury me, I will be in the tomb for a long time, but I will not stay there forever. If I am good now, my body will go to join my soul in heaven. O my Jesus, full of love, hear my prayer: until my death, I want to hide myself in the tomb of Your Heart.
XIV. Jesus is laid in the tomb
O my Jesus, I cry when I get hurt, even if I am playing; I complain to everybody. But You did not say anything when You fell down. From now on, I will not complain anymore. And above all, I do not want to commit any sins, because they make You suffer so much.
III. Jesus falls for the first time
O my Jesus, a great sorrow pierced Your Heart and the Heart of Your Mother, who saw Her dear Son so badly beaten. Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, I want to console You, and I too want to accept my little suffe - rings. I want to always love and comfort my parents. When I grow up, I will help them with all my heart.
IV. Jesus encounters His Most Holy Mother
O my good Mother, You were very thankful that Your Jesus received a little bit of relief. If I had been there and was a grownup, I would have gladly taken His cross so that He would not hurt so much. O my good Mother, may there be less sins today so that the cross of Your Jesus may not be so heavy. Give me the grace to comfort Jesus when I receive Holy Communion.
V. Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry His Cross
O my Jesus, You imprinted Your image on Veronica’s veil. You have also imprinted Your image in my heart by Baptism and by the Eucharist. O good Jesus, I want to keep my heart pure and avoid sin, so that Your image may shine in me. And if I still commit sins that stain my soul, right away I will ask You to forgive me and I will go to confession.
VI. Veronica wipes the Face of Jesus
O my Jesus, the wicked men put Your cross back on Your shoulders, and You did not reproach them! Your Heart prayed for their conversion. I too have fallen back into my sins many times. Now I am very sorry that I did. Forgive me, my Jesus! Help me to get back up and to avoid doing bad things that make You sad. Thank You, Jesus, for the sacrament of Penance.
VII. Jesus falls for the second time
At the sight of Your wounds, my dear Jesus, I feel even sorrier for my thoughts, words and actions that dis - please You and wound Your Heart. I am very sorry that I have committed so many of them. With Your grace, I do not want to offend You anymore. Please forgive all re - pentant sinners. I want to comfort You, good Jesus, by making little sacrifices.
VIII. Jesus consoles the women of Jerusalem
O my good Jesus, You fall for the third time! You are ex - hausted and beaten, but You get back up anyway and go right to the end. What a lesson for me! Jesus, help me to always get back up when I fall, and especially remind me that Holy Communion will give me all the courage I need. Dearest Mother Mary, obtain for me the grace to receive Jesus in my heart with a lot of fervor.
IX. Jesus falls for the third time
O my Jesus, the executioners reopened Your wounds by tearing off the flesh that was stuck to Your robe. It was a great sorrow for Your Mother’s Heart to witness such cruelty and to see You stripped in front of everybody. O sweet Jesus, You accepted this further humiliation. O Mary, my good Mother, keep me very modest in all my actions throughout my life.
X. Jesus is stripped of His garments
My poor Jesus, stretched out on the cross, You let them crucify You. The hammer struck, the executioner drove the big nails into Your hands and feet. Divine Jesus, I do not want to offend You anymore. I want to comfort You and love You with all my heart. If any bad friends want me to do something wrong, I will say “no” to them right away. Good Jesus, help me to be very obedient to Your teachings and to all those who represent You.
XI. Jesus is nailed to the Cross
O my Jesus, my heart is sad when I see You die on the cross. It is because You love me that You accepted to die like this. I will remember it often. I want to imitate You and be very good and faithful to my duty. Come for me when I die, so that I may die well. May all my family have a holy death, especially my mother and father, so that we may see one another again in heaven.
XII. Jesus dies on the Cross for our salvation
O my good Mother, You were very sad when You saw Jesus lifeless and in such a terrible state. But at least You could press Him to Your Heart. When I go to Communion, I can press Him to my heart too, but He is very much alive. I will receive Communion as often as possible, and I will live as a good Christian so that Jesus may always live in my heart.
XIII. Jesus is taken down from the Cross
Let Us Pray Sacred Heart of Jesus, I am happy to have made my way of the cross. Grant me the grace to keep all my promises to You. O my good Mother, and you, my good Angel, thank you for accompa - nying me. Help me to be faithful to my resolutions. Keep me very pure and obedient. May I love Jesus more and more, so that He may love me more and more.
O holy Mother of Sorrows, impress upon my poor heart the wounds of my sweet Saviour.
Dear Child, As you have seen, our good Jesus suffered a lot throughout His Passion. The people insulted Him, the soldiers mistreated Him, the executioners cruci - fied Him. When Jesus was on the cross, the people who stood by laughed at Him. Almost all His friends abandoned Him, except His Holy Mother, the Apostle Saint John and a few holy women. Jesus willingly suffered all of this to prove His love for us, but also to show us the road to Heaven. Like Jesus, we must take up our cross and carry it well. Carrying the cross well means to accept the little contradictions that hap - pen to us, the little cuts and bruises that hurt, without whining and com - plaining. It means to be energetic and make real efforts to become saints, even if it is difficult. Let us promise Jesus to do better from now on. Let us make good resolutions. Our efforts will comfort the Heart of Jesus, who suffers a lot from the ingratitude and indifference of sinners. Let us also say a few short prayers to give joy to the Heart of Jesus. You can repeat these invocations all day long. They are easy to learn. They please Jesus very much! When He hears them coming from a heart that is sincere and full of love, He forgets all that wicked men make Him suffer. Let us also say some invocations to His dear Mother, the Queen of Martyrs. Eternal Father, I offer You the wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ, to heal the wounds of our souls. My Jesus, pardon and mercy, through the merits of Your holy wounds and the sufferings of Your Mother. Heart of Jesus, burning with love for me, inflame my heart with love for You. Jesus, meek and humble of Heart, make my heart like unto Thine. Holy Mother of Sorrows, engrave in my poor heart, the wounds of my sweet Saviour. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.
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O Jesus Crucified! Help us to carry our cross as You carried Yours!

Little Way of the Cross

for Children

Preparatory Prayer. Sacred Heart of Jesus, grant me the grace to make my way of the cross well. Teach me to love You more and more, so that I may correct myself of my faults and make You happy.
O my Jesus, evil men accuse You and want You to die on the cross, and You say no - thing. As for me, I pout when I am punished, even when I deserve it. Next time I will be like You and I will not say anything. O my good Mother, please remind me to keep si - lence like Jesus did.
I. Jesus is condemned to death
O my Jesus, You accepted to carry the cross and suffer Your Passion to expiate my sins and the sins of the whole world. You did it to open heaven for us and for the wicked men who made fun of You. O my good Jesus, full of love, I want to love You even more. So that Your cross will not be so heavy, I want to avoid everything that displeases You. O my good Angel, help me to please Jesus more and more.
II. Jesus takes up His Cross
O my Jesus, You stayed in the tomb only three days. When they bury me, I will be in the tomb for a long time, but I will not stay there forever. If I am good now, my body will go to join my soul in heaven. O my Jesus, full of love, hear my prayer: until my death, I want to hide myself in the tomb of Your Heart.
XIV. Jesus is laid in the tomb
O my Jesus, a great sorrow pierced Your Heart and the Heart of Your Mother, who saw Her dear Son so badly beaten. Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, I want to console You, and I too want to accept my little sufferings. I want to always love and comfort my parents. When I grow up, I will help them with all my heart.
IV. Jesus encounters His Most Holy Mother
O my good Mother, You were very thankful that Your Jesus received a little bit of relief. If I had been there and was a grownup, I would have gladly taken His cross so that He would not hurt so much. O my good Mother, may there be less sins today so that the cross of Your Jesus may not be so heavy. Give me the grace to comfort Jesus when I receive Holy Communion.
V. Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry His Cross
O my Jesus, You imprinted Your image on Veronica’s veil. You have also imprinted Your image in my heart by Baptism and by the Eucharist. O good Jesus, I want to keep my heart pure and avoid sin, so that Your image may shine in me. And if I still commit sins that stain my soul, right away I will ask You to forgive me and I will go to confession.
VI. Veronica wipes the Face of Jesus
O my Jesus, the wicked men put Your cross back on Your shoulders, and You did not reproach them! Your Heart prayed for their conversion. I too have fallen back into my sins many times. Now I am very sorry that I did. Forgive me, my Jesus! Help me to get back up and to avoid doing bad things that make You sad. Thank You, Jesus, for the sacrament of Penance.
VII. Jesus falls for the second time
At the sight of Your wounds, my dear Jesus, I feel even sorrier for my thoughts, words and actions that dis - please You and wound Your Heart. I am very sorry that I have committed so many of them. With Your grace, I do not want to offend You any - more. Please forgive all re - pentant sinners. I want to comfort You, good Jesus, by making little sacrifices.
VIII. Jesus consoles the women of Jerusalem
O my good Jesus, You fall for the third time! You are ex - hausted and beaten, but You get back up anyway and go right to the end. What a les - son for me! Jesus, help me to always get back up when I fall, and especially remind me that Holy Communion will give me all the courage I need. Dearest Mother Mary, obtain for me the grace to receive Jesus in my heart with a lot of fervor.
IX. Jesus falls for the third time
O my Jesus, the executioners reopened Your wounds by tearing off the flesh that was stuck to Your robe. It was a great sorrow for Your Mother’s Heart to witness such cruelty and to see You stripped in front of every - body. O sweet Jesus, You ac - cepted this further humiliation. O Mary, my good Mother, keep me very modest in all my actions throughout my life.
X. Jesus is stripped of His garments
My poor Jesus, stretched out on the cross, You let them crucify You. The hammer struck, the executioner drove the big nails into Your hands and feet. Divine Jesus, I do not want to offend You any - more. I want to comfort You and love You with all my heart. If any bad friends want me to do something wrong, I will say “no” to them right away. Good Jesus, help me to be very obedient to Your teachings and to all those who re - present You.
XI. Jesus is nailed to the Cross
O my Jesus, my heart is sad when I see You die on the cross. It is because You love me that You accepted to die like this. I will remember it often. I want to imitate You and be very good and faithful to my duty. Come for me when I die, so that I may die well. May all my family have a holy death, especially my mother and father, so that we may see one another again in heaven.
XII. Jesus dies on the Cross for our salvation
O my good Mother, You were very sad when You saw Jesus lifeless and in such a terrible state. But at least You could press Him to Your Heart. When I go to Communion, I can press Him to my heart too, but He is very much alive. I will receive Communion as often as pos - sible, and I will live as a good Christian so that Jesus may always live in my heart.
XIII. Jesus is taken down from the Cross
O my Jesus, I cry when I get hurt, even if I am playing; I complain to everybody. But You did not say anything when You fell down. From now on, I will not complain anymore. And above all, I do not want to commit any sins, because they make You suffer so much.
III. Jesus falls for the first time
Let Us Pray Sacred Heart of Jesus, I am happy to have made my way of the cross. Grant me the grace to keep all my promises to You. O my good Mother, and you, my good Angel, thank you for accompanying me. Help me to be faithful to my resolutions. Keep me very pure and obedient. May I love Jesus more and more, so that He may love me more and more.
O holy Mother of Sorrows, impress upon my poor heart the wounds of my sweet Saviour.
Dear Child, As you have seen, our good Jesus suffered a lot throughout His Passion. The people insulted Him, the soldiers mistreated Him, the executioners cru - cified Him. When Jesus was on the cross, the people who stood by laughed at Him. Almost all His friends abandoned Him, except His Holy Mother, the Apostle Saint John and a few holy women. Jesus willingly suffered all of this to prove His love for us, but also to show us the road to Heaven. Like Jesus, we must take up our cross and carry it well. Carrying the cross well means to accept the little contradictions that happen to us, the little cuts and bruises that hurt, without whining and complai - ning. It means to be energetic and make real efforts to become saints, even if it is difficult. Let us pro - mise Jesus to do better from now on. Let us make good resolutions. Our efforts will comfort the Heart of Jesus, who suffers a lot from the ingratitude and indifference of sinners. Let us also say a few short prayers to give joy to the Heart of Jesus. You can repeat these invocations all day long. They are easy to learn. They please Jesus very much! When He hears them coming from a heart that is sincere and full of love, He forgets all that wicked men make Him suffer. Let us also say some invoca - tions to His dear Mother, the Queen of Martyrs. Eternal Father, I offer You the wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ, to heal the wounds of our souls. My Jesus, pardon and mercy, through the merits of Your holy wounds and the suffe- rings of Your Mother. Heart of Jesus, burning with love for me, inflame my heart with love for You. Jesus, meek and humble of Heart, make my heart like unto Thine. Holy Mother of Sorrows, engrave in my poor heart, the wounds of my sweet Saviour. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.
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