O Jesus Crucified! Help us to carry our cross as You carried Yours!

Way of the Cross

of Mercy

Preparatory Prayer. O Jesus! We are going to walk with You on the road to Calvary which was so painful for You. Make us understand the greatness of Your sufferings, touch our hearts with a tender compassion at the sight of Your torments, so that may increase in us the regret of our faults and the love we want to have for You. Please apply to us all the infinite merits of Your Passion, and in memory of Your sufferings, have mercy on the souls in Purgatory, especially on those who are most abandoned. O divine Mary, who first taught us to walk the Way of the Cross, obtain for us the grace to follow Jesus with the sentiments with which Your Heart was filled while accompanying Him on the road to Calvary. May we weep with You, and love Your divine Son as You do. We ask this in the name of His adorable Heart. Amen.
O Jesus, innocent victim condemned to death by an unjust sentence, so often endorsed and renewed by my guilty offenses, preserve me always from the sentence of an eternal death which I have so often deserved. Ah! without Your support, I would already be living in the night of hell. How much I am indebted to Your mercy for not having fallen into the abyss!… Amen.
I. Jesus is condemned to death
O Jesus, O my beloved Saviour, You wanted to carry on Your own shoulders the instrument of Your torment, this cross made heavier by my iniquities! Ah, show me all the enormity of my offences, so that I may grieve for them unceasingly, and until the end of my life. Amen.
II. Jesus takes up His Cross
O Jesus, deposited from the cross in the tomb, I also want, as one who has died to everything, to be inseparable from You in the solitude and silence of a life hidden in God with You. O glorious sepulchre, where the precious pledge of my salvation rests, may I also have a new heart adorned with virtues, to receive there the adorable body of Jesus! O my Saviour, prepare in me a dwelling worthy of You; make me live no longer for myself, but for You alone, who died for me; or rather, live alone in me from now on, so that after having received here below, in Your sacraments, the first fruits of the merits of Your passion and Your death, I may one day receive them in the fullness of Heaven. Amen.
O Jesus, so deeply saddened! O Mother, so painfully afflicted! Ah, if in the past, my illusions or my disorders were the cause of Your anguish and sorrows, it will no longer be so, with the help of divine grace. No, from now on I will no longer be a source of bitterness and affliction for such a tender Son and Mother; O Jesus, O Mary, I will love You faithfully throughout my life and until my death. Amen.
III. Jesus falls for the first time
O Jesus, so deeply saddened! O Mother, so painfully afflicted! Ah, if in the past, my illusions or my disorders were the cause of Your anguish and sorrows, it will no longer be so, with the help of divine grace. No, from now on I will no longer be a source of bitterness and affliction for such a tender Son and Mother; O Jesus, O Mary, I will love You faithfully throughout my life and until my death. Amen.
IV. Jesus encounters His Most Holy Mother
Happy the Cyrenian who helps You, O Jesus, to carry Your cross! Happier would I be if, moved by Your example and moved by Your weariness, I would help You to carry Your cross, embracing with submission, with patience and with joy all the crosses that You will be pleased to send me in the course of my life! O divine Model, grant me this grace. Amen.
V. Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry His Cross
O Jesus, the most beautiful of the children of men and the most horribly disfigured for our sins, I approach You with the courageous Veronica, to contemplate Your forehead covered with blood and sweat, and I am moved with her at the sight of such a spectacle. Ah, You have deigned to impress the august features of Your face on the veil she used to wipe it! I beseech You, Lord, deign to imprint in my soul the permanent memory of the outrages You have received and the atrocious pains You have endured for sinners. Amen.
VI. Veronica wipes the Face of Jesus
O Jesus, here You are a second time succumbing under the heavy burden of the cross, in the midst of the imprecations and blasphemies of an impious and sacrilegious soldiery; and my relapses into sin have joined this torrent of insults! Ah, Lord, help my weakness, give me the courage to put into practice the most effective means to avoid falling back into sin. Amen.
VII. Jesus falls for the second time
O Jesus, You forgot for a moment Your distress, in order to attend only to the tears of the pious women of Jerusalem who were following You in order to instruct them of the cause of Your sorrows and to console their grief with the sweet unction of Your words. Teach me also to weep over my offenses, to anticipate Your justice, to entrust myself only to Your infinite mercy and to correspond to all Your holy inspirations. Amen.
VIII. Jesus consoles the women of Jerusalem
O Jesus, divine Lamb, here You have arrived at the altar of Your sacrifice! Is it possible that You let Yourself be stripped of Your robe, as if to reopen all Your wounds, still bleeding? Oh, may this violence which tears off Your clothes without pity, with the shreds of bruised flesh attached to them, touch me and penetrate me with a holy confusion, at the thought that You are thus expiating the loss of my innocence. O God, detach me from all earthly objects; make me strip myself of all sensitive affections and abhor everything pertaining to the world or to sin. Amen.
IX. Jesus falls for the third time
O Jesus, divine Lamb, here You have arrived at the altar of Your sacrifice! Is it possible that You let Yourself be stripped of Your robe, as if to reopen all Your wounds, still bleeding? Oh, may this violence which tears off Your clothes without pity, with the shreds of bruised flesh attached to them, touch me and penetrate me with a holy confusion, at the thought that You are thus expiating the loss of my innocence. O God, detach me from all earthly objects; make me strip myself of all sensitive affections and abhor everything pertaining to the world or to sin. Amen.
X. Jesus is stripped of His garments
O Jesus, voluntarily stretched out on the cross, in what state I see You, under the blows of the hammers that drive the nails in Your feet and in Your hands! Your flesh torn! Your nerves broken! Your veins open! What torments! Ah, Lord, from now on I want to crucify my flesh with all its desires; I want to remain constantly bound with You on the cross. Amen.
XI. Jesus is nailed to the Cross
O Jesus, who died on the cross, after a cruel agony of three hours, all is thus consummated; You have died for me, the willing victim of Your love for the salvation of sinners. Would I be so unfortunate as to fall again into sin? Ah, rather, O my Saviour, grant me the grace to die for You; or if I am to live still, let me live only to love You and serve You faithfully all the days of my life, until I give my soul into Your hands. Amen.
XII. Jesus dies on the Cross for our salvation
O Jesus, come down from the cross, I revere You with religious respect, as the holocaust of our redemption… O my soul, see to what extent Jesus Christ has loved you: contemplate this pallid face, this disfigured brow, these extinguished eyes, this closed mouth, these pierced hands and feet, this side opened for your own salvation… O heroic Mother! O Mary pierced by a sword of pain, I mourn Your profound affliction at the sight of Your holy Son lifeless and motionless. Obtain for me the grace to always hate sin, the cause of His death, and to always live as a true Christian, in order to attain eternal salvation. Amen.
XIII. Jesus is taken down from the Cross
XIV. Jesus is laid in the tomb
O holy Mother of Sorrows, impress upon my poor heart the wounds of my sweet Saviour.
Let Us Pray. O God, who have willed to sanctify the cross, this sign of life, by the precious blood of Your only begotten Son, grant to all those who glory in this holy cross, the grace to be able to glory also, at all times and in all places, in Your powerful protection, through the same Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
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O Jesus Crucified! Help us to carry our cross as You carried Yours!

Way of the Cross

of Mercy

Preparatory Prayer. O Jesus! We are going to walk with You on the road to Calvary which was so painful for You. Make us understand the greatness of Your sufferings, touch our hearts with a tender compassion at the sight of Your torments, so that may increase in us the regret of our faults and the love we want to have for You. Please apply to us all the infinite merits of Your Passion, and in memory of Your sufferings, have mercy on the souls in Purgatory, especially on those who are most abandoned. O divine Mary, who first taught us to walk the Way of the Cross, obtain for us the grace to follow Jesus with the sentiments with which Your Heart was filled while accompanying Him on the road to Calvary. May we weep with You, and love Your divine Son as You do. We ask this in the name of His adorable Heart. Amen.
O Jesus, innocent victim condemned to death by an unjust sentence, so often endorsed and renewed by my guilty offenses, preserve me always from the sentence of an eternal death which I have so often deserved. Ah! without Your support, I would already be living in the night of hell. How much I am indebted to Your mercy for not having fallen into the abyss!… Amen.
I. Jesus is condemned to death
O Jesus, O my beloved Saviour, You wanted to carry on Your own shoulders the instrument of Your torment, this cross made heavier by my iniquities! Ah, show me all the enormity of my offences, so that I may grieve for them unceasingly, and until the end of my life. Amen.
II. Jesus takes up His Cross
O Jesus, so deeply saddened! O Mother, so painfully afflicted! Ah, if in the past, my illusions or my disorders were the cause of Your anguish and sorrows, it will no longer be so, with the help of divine grace. No, from now on I will no longer be a source of bitterness and affliction for such a tender Son and Mother; O Jesus, O Mary, I will love You faithfully throughout my life and until my death. Amen.
IV. Jesus encounters His Most Holy Mother
Happy the Cyrenian who helps You, O Jesus, to carry Your cross! Happier would I be if, moved by Your example and moved by Your weariness, I would help You to carry Your cross, embracing with submission, with patience and with joy all the crosses that You will be pleased to send me in the course of my life! O divine Model, grant me this grace. Amen.
V. Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry His Cross
O Jesus, the most beautiful of the children of men and the most horribly disfigured for our sins, I approach You with the courageous Veronica, to contemplate Your forehead covered with blood and sweat, and I am moved with her at the sight of such a spectacle. Ah, You have deigned to impress the august features of Your face on the veil she used to wipe it! I beseech You, Lord, deign to imprint in my soul the permanent memory of the outrages You have received and the atrocious pains You have endured for sinners. Amen.
VI. Veronica wipes the Face of Jesus
O Jesus, here You are a second time succumbing under the heavy burden of the cross, in the midst of the imprecations and blasphemies of an impious and sacrilegious soldiery; and my relapses into sin have joined this torrent of insults! Ah, Lord, help my weakness, give me the courage to put into practice the most effective means to avoid falling back into sin. Amen.
VII. Jesus falls for the second time
O Jesus, You forgot for a moment Your distress, in order to attend only to the tears of the pious women of Jerusalem who were following You in order to instruct them of the cause of Your sorrows and to console their grief with the sweet unction of Your words. Teach me also to weep over my offenses, to anticipate Your justice, to entrust myself only to Your infinite mercy and to correspond to all Your holy inspirations. Amen.
VIII. Jesus consoles the women of Jerusalem
O Jesus, divine Lamb, here You have arrived at the altar of Your sacrifice! Is it possible that You let Yourself be stripped of Your robe, as if to reopen all Your wounds, still bleeding? Oh, may this violence which tears off Your clothes without pity, with the shreds of bruised flesh attached to them, touch me and penetrate me with a holy confusion, at the thought that You are thus expiating the loss of my innocence. O God, detach me from all earthly objects; make me strip myself of all sensitive affections and abhor everything pertaining to the world or to sin. Amen.
IX. Jesus falls for the third time
O Jesus, divine Lamb, here You have arrived at the altar of Your sacrifice! Is it possible that You let Yourself be stripped of Your robe, as if to reopen all Your wounds, still bleeding? Oh, may this violence which tears off Your clothes without pity, with the shreds of bruised flesh attached to them, touch me and penetrate me with a holy confusion, at the thought that You are thus expiating the loss of my innocence. O God, detach me from all earthly objects; make me strip myself of all sensitive affections and abhor everything pertaining to the world or to sin. Amen.
X. Jesus is stripped of His garments
O Jesus, voluntarily stretched out on the cross, in what state I see You, under the blows of the hammers that drive the nails in Your feet and in Your hands! Your flesh torn! Your nerves broken! Your veins open! What torments! Ah, Lord, from now on I want to crucify my flesh with all its desires; I want to remain constantly bound with You on the cross. Amen.
XI. Jesus is nailed to the Cross
XII. Jesus dies on the Cross for our salvation
O Jesus, who died on the cross, after a cruel agony of three hours, all is thus consummated; You have died for me, the willing victim of Your love for the salvation of sinners. Would I be so unfortunate as to fall again into sin? Ah, rather, O my Saviour, grant me the grace to die for You; or if I am to live still, let me live only to love You and serve You faithfully all the days of my life, until I give my soul into Your hands. Amen.
O Jesus, come down from the cross, I revere You with religious respect, as the holocaust of our redemption… O my soul, see to what extent Jesus Christ has loved you: contemplate this pallid face, this disfigured brow, these extinguished eyes, this closed mouth, these pierced hands and feet, this side opened for your own salvation… O heroic Mother! O Mary pierced by a sword of pain, I mourn Your profound affliction at the sight of Your holy Son lifeless and motionless. Obtain for me the grace to always hate sin, the cause of His death, and to always live as a true Christian, in order to attain eternal salvation. Amen.
XIII. Jesus is taken down from the Cross
O Jesus, so deeply saddened! O Mother, so painfully afflicted! Ah, if in the past, my illusions or my disorders were the cause of Your anguish and sorrows, it will no longer be so, with the help of divine grace. No, from now on I will no longer be a source of bitterness and affliction for such a tender Son and Mother; O Jesus, O Mary, I will love You faithfully throughout my life and until my death. Amen.
III. Jesus falls for the first time
O Jesus, deposited from the cross in the tomb, I also want, as one who has died to everything, to be inseparable from You in the solitude and silence of a life hidden in God with You. O glorious sepulchre, where the precious pledge of my salvation rests, may I also have a new heart adorned with virtues, to receive there the adorable body of Jesus! O my Saviour, prepare in me a dwelling worthy of You; make me live no longer for myself, but for You alone, who died for me; or rather, live alone in me from now on, so that after having received here below, in Your sacraments, the first fruits of the merits of Your passion and Your death, I may one day receive them in the fullness of Heaven. Amen.
XIV. Jesus is laid in the tomb
Let Us Pray. O God, who have willed to sanctify the cross, this sign of life, by the precious blood of Your only begotten Son, grant to all those who glory in this holy cross, the grace to be able to glory also, at all times and in all places, in Your powerful protection, through the same Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
After the Station
O holy Mother of Sorrows, impress upon my poor heart the wounds of my sweet Saviour.
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