O Jesus Crucified! Help us to carry our cross as You carried Yours!

Way of the Cross in union with

Our Lady of La Salette

Preparatory Prayer. Hail Mary, full of sorrows, Jesus crucified is with Thee. Thou art worthy of compassion among all women and worthy of compassion is Jesus, Thy Son. Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus crucified, and our Mother, obtain tears for us who have crucified Thy Son, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Saint Bonaventure
This cruel condemnation is renewed every day by all the sinners of the earth. Alas! am I not one of these unfortunate people? I have really and effectively asked for the death of my God, every time I have committed mortal sin. And here is the cause of the abundant tears of our Mother in Her heavenly apparition. O Jesus! Your charity is eternal and Your Heart is always open to pour out His mercies on us: deign to give me the contrition I need. And You, Mother of love, have mercy on Your prodigal son and obtain for me the tears of sincere penitence to weep with You for all my sins.
I. Jesus is condemned to death
The cross is heavy and painful, but the multitude of my iniquities weigh on the Heart of Jesus with a weight a thousand times more painful and unbearable. It is the same weight of my crimes which weighs down His arm; it is the distressing thought of my ingratitude which oppressed here the Heart of my tender Mother. O Jesus, King of mercy! bear with me a little longer so that I may, with Your help, repair the injustices of my life. O Heart of the most compassionate of mothers! Sustain Your guilty child for the time needed to do penance.
II. Jesus takes up His Cross
The tomb is the end of all human life! This thought distresses nature, but our faith shows us the heaven that opens, on the very day of death, before the Christian soul that has followed Jesus to Calvary. And the resurrection of this sweetest Saviour is the sure guarantee of our own at the end of time. Mary, appearing all resplendent with the light of the resurrected bodies and ascending to Heaven, right here, towards this cross, confirms our consoling hope. O Jesus, my living Redeemer! I know that I shall rise again on the last day, and now I hope for Your grace in this world and Your glory in the next. O Mary, my life, my sweetness, my hope! You will receive at my last hour, I hope from Your mercy, the soul of Your dear child in Your maternal arms. Amen.
XIV. Jesus is laid in the tomb
Jesus falls. His adorable face is in the dust and the dust mingles with the blood which flows from the wounds of the crown of thorns. He rises again, unrecognizable. This is the state in which the horrible sin of blasphemy, of which our Mother complains so painfully, still reduces Him in some way. Did I not commit it? Have I not witnessed it without shuddering and without taking any means to repair the insult it inflicts on the glory of God? O Jesus, King of eternal glory, be praised by the angels of heaven and by the whole Church of the earth, in reparation for so many outrages! O Mother, these outrages make Your heart bleed and Your tears flow; may my whole life become a perpetual homage to Jesus, through my fidelity to His divine commandments.
III. Jesus falls for the first time
Jesus and Mary are in the presence of each other, but in what state and on what path! Who can depict the excess of Their sorrow? Alas! in these last times, another meeting of Jesus and His Holy Mother took place in Heaven. Mary presented Herself to Her Son, no longer suffering for us, but angry with us for the multitude of our sins, and the pain of this tender Mother was great and extreme as on the way to Calvary. O Jesus, remember the painful way and the anguish of Your Mother on this day of Your Passion, and for the love of this Immaculate Virgin, have mercy on us. And You, incomparable Mother, do not cease to present Yourself to Your Son and to pray for Your dear children.
IV. Jesus encounters His Most Holy Mother
It was only by force that Simon of Cyrene carried the cross of Jesus. Now, this most gentle Saviour said, “If any man will come after Me, let him bear his cross and follow Me.” Not out of necessity, but with love, not with sorrow, but with courage. The cross to be carried is first and foremost the punishment due to sin; it is the sufferings of soul and body, it is the public and private miseries. Our Mother has come to remind us of this here. O Jesus! May Your merciful will be fulfilled! I accept everything, but may the trial and punishment come to me from Your Heart, not from Your just anger. And You, Mary, O divine Comforter, obtain for me the ability to bear with faith and even with gratitude all the sorrows of life.
V. Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry His Cross
This woman is our model. What dedication! What courage! What fearlessness! Ah, from now on, may the greater glory of Jesus, His honor before men, His divine interests be the main object of our zeal, our work and our sacrifices. In this way we will make known to men His graciousness and His adorable charms, we will console His Mother and we will dry up the source of His tears. O Jesus, the splendor and beauty of Heaven! give me, with the grace of a perfect conversion, the zeal of Your glory; O Mary! O lovely Mother! give me the ineffable joy of being able, by a holy life, to respond to Your love for me and to console Your afflicted Heart.
VI. Veronica wipes the Face of Jesus
Jesus falls again. This sweet Saviour reminds me here of my relapses. How many times, indeed, I swore to Him a love that I called eternal! Alas! a little later, all was forgotten and I preferred again the sin to the love of His Heart; and I renewed without shame the sufferings of my tender Mother and again I made Her cry… O Jesus, please let Your mercy be always more abundant than my iniquities; I hate them, I deplore them bitterly, at Your feet. O Mary, sustain me always with Your powerful hand over the dreadful abyss of my corruption and misery.
VII. Jesus falls for the second time
Jesus says to them: “Do not weep for Me, but for yourselves and for your children”, for great misfortunes threaten you. The Passion of Jesus and the compassion of Mary and the tears of this beloved Mother on this mountain, touch us and lead us to weep; but let these tears be shed over our sins to wash them away and over the sins of the world to bend the divine anger. Contrition, penance, this is the remedy for all our ailments. O Jesus, make me understand the great teaching that You give to these pious women. O Mary! O Dispenser of graces! deign to communicate to Your poor child the spirit of penance and shed it on the whole face of the earth to renew it.
VIII. Jesus consoles the women of Jerusalem
The divine face of Jesus is still in the dust. Why this third fall? Jesus wants to expiate the obstinacy of sinners in evil. O mystery! it is this secret of the malice of men that our Mother revealed here: “If My people do not want to submit…” and it is this thought that drew from Her Heart this complaint: “Since the time I suffer for you!” O Jesus, eternal Charity! do not abandon the unfortunate sinners. Multiply, multiply Your mercies; we are the work of Your hands and the price of all Your blood. O Mother, O almighty supplicant, O perfect Reparatrix, O divine Reconciler! do not cease to pray, to beg, to intercede for us.
IX. Jesus falls for the third time
Jesus stripped. Jesus made to drink gall! Oh vanities, worldly finery, sensuality, immodesty, gluttony, voluntary violation of fasting and abstinence, immortifications of all kinds, here is your work! See the shame of the divine Lamb and the torment He endures. Here, our divine Mother has not condemned and scorned you any less by Her words, by Her austere clothing, by Her grief and by Her tears. O Jesus, King of purity! burn, cut, mortify, purify my heart and my senses. Let mortification be the guard of innocence in my soul and body. And You, O Queen of pure hearts, Virgin without equal, cover me with Your protection. I want to resemble You, I want to be at all costs a child whom You carry in Your arms, a child who bears Your features.
X. Jesus is stripped of His garments
His two hands, His two feet are pierced and nailed to the cross; His head wears the crown of thorns; His whole body is covered with wounds and it is for me that He reduced Himself to this extremity. It was His love for my salvation that drove Him to such excessive suffering. At the same time, Mary is standing before Him; Her sorrow has no name in the language of men, and for love of us, She consents to the death of Her Son. O crucified Jesus! I am Yours without return, I want to crucify my flesh with its vices; I surrender to You my soul with all its powers. O Mary! in truth, no matter how much we pray, no matter how much we do, we will never be able to reward the pain You have taken for us; but make effective my desire to give You love for love.
XI. Jesus is nailed to the Cross
Jesus dies. His heart is opened by the lance; His testament is known to us: the Eucharist has been given to us and Mary has become our Mother. The sacrifice is consummated, but Jesus has found, in the resources of His almighty love, the secret to perpetuate it until the end of the centuries and the One He gave us for Mother has come here to show us that it is not in vain that She bears His name. O Jesus, give me to understand both the excellence of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the respect that deserves the day when You make it an obligation to attend it. Enlighten the unfortunate violators of the holy day of Sunday: they do not know of what goods they are depriving themselves. And You, O Mary, our true Mother, our Queen, O divine Messenger of Jesus, may Your people hear Your voice and may this sweet Saviour reign over all redeemed souls.
XII. Jesus dies on the Cross for our salvation
Jesus is taken down from the cross and rests in the arms of His Mother. What a touching sight! What a mystery of suffering and love! The adorable body could not be better placed: Jesus and Mary are one. Neither life nor death, neither time nor eternity can break this ineffable union. Is this not the teaching that this tender Mother gives us in Her Apparition, when She bears on Her Heart the image of Jesus crucified? O Jesus! unite me forever to Mary. It is then that my union with You will be perfect, for it is through Her alone that You give Yourself to Your Chosen Ones and it is in Her that this sublime union is accomplished. And You, O Union of souls, O Mary, Mother of Jesus, unite me, in Your Heart, to this adorable King, Your only love and my only love.
XIII. Jesus is taken down from the Cross
O holy Mother of Sorrows, impress upon my poor heart the wounds of my sweet Saviour.
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O Jesus Crucified! Help us to carry our cross as You carried Yours!

Way of the Cross in union with

Our Lady of La Salette

Preparatory Prayer. Hail Mary, full of sorrows, Jesus crucified is with Thee. Thou art worthy of compassion among all women and worthy of compassion is Jesus, Thy Son. Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus crucified, and our Mother, obtain tears for us who have crucified Thy Son, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Saint Bonaventure
This cruel condemnation is renewed every day by all the sinners of the earth. Alas! am I not one of these unfortunate people? I have really and effectively asked for the death of my God, every time I have committed mortal sin. And here is the cause of the abundant tears of our Mother in Her heavenly apparition. O Jesus! Your charity is eternal and Your Heart is always open to pour out His mercies on us: deign to give me the contrition I need. And You, Mother of love, have mercy on Your prodigal son and obtain for me the tears of sincere penitence to weep with You for all my sins.
I. Jesus is condemned to death
The cross is heavy and painful, but the multitude of my iniquities weigh on the Heart of Jesus with a weight a thousand times more painful and unbearable. It is the same weight of my crimes which weighs down His arm; it is the distressing thought of my ingratitude which oppressed here the Heart of my tender Mother. O Jesus, King of mercy! bear with me a little longer so that I may, with Your help, repair the injustices of my life. O Heart of the most compassionate of mothers! Sustain Your guilty child for the time needed to do penance.
II. Jesus takes up His Cross
The tomb is the end of all human life! This thought distresses nature, but our faith shows us the heaven that opens, on the very day of death, before the Christian soul that has followed Jesus to Calvary. And the resurrection of this sweetest Saviour is the sure guarantee of our own at the end of time. Mary, appearing all resplendent with the light of the resurrected bodies and ascending to Heaven, right here, towards this cross, confirms our consoling hope. O Jesus, my living Redeemer! I know that I shall rise again on the last day, and now I hope for Your grace in this world and Your glory in the next. O Mary, my life, my sweetness, my hope! You will receive at my last hour, I hope from Your mercy, the soul of Your dear child in Your maternal arms. Amen.
XIV. Jesus is laid in the tomb
Jesus and Mary are in the presence of each other, but in what state and on what path! Who can depict the excess of Their sorrow? Alas! in these last times, another meeting of Jesus and His Holy Mother took place in Heaven. Mary presented Herself to Her Son, no longer suffering for us, but angry with us for the multitude of our sins, and the pain of this tender Mother was great and extreme as on the way to Calvary. O Jesus, remember the painful way and the anguish of Your Mother on this day of Your Passion, and for the love of this Immaculate Virgin, have mercy on us. And You, incomparable Mother, do not cease to present Yourself to Your Son and to pray for Your dear children.
IV. Jesus encounters His Most Holy Mother
It was only by force that Simon of Cyrene carried the cross of Jesus. Now, this most gentle Saviour said, “If any man will come after Me, let him bear his cross and follow Me.” Not out of necessity, but with love, not with sorrow, but with courage. The cross to be carried is first and foremost the punishment due to sin; it is the sufferings of soul and body, it is the public and private miseries. Our Mother has come to remind us of this here. O Jesus! May Your merciful will be fulfilled! I accept everything, but may the trial and punishment come to me from Your Heart, not from Your just anger. And You, Mary, O divine Comforter, obtain for me the ability to bear with faith and even with gratitude all the sorrows of life.
V. Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry His Cross
This woman is our model. What dedication! What courage! What fearlessness! Ah, from now on, may the greater glory of Jesus, His honor before men, His divine interests be the main object of our zeal, our work and our sacrifices. In this way we will make known to men His graciousness and His adorable charms, we will console His Mother and we will dry up the source of His tears. O Jesus, the splendor and beauty of Heaven! give me, with the grace of a perfect conversion, the zeal of Your glory; O Mary! O lovely Mother! give me the ineffable joy of being able, by a holy life, to respond to Your love for me and to console Your afflicted Heart.
VI. Veronica wipes the Face of Jesus
Jesus falls again. This sweet Saviour reminds me here of my relapses. How many times, indeed, I swore to Him a love that I called eternal! Alas! a little later, all was forgotten and I preferred again the sin to the love of His Heart; and I renewed without shame the sufferings of my tender Mother and again I made Her cry… O Jesus, please let Your mercy be always more abundant than my iniquities; I hate them, I deplore them bitterly, at Your feet. O Mary, sustain me always with Your powerful hand over the dreadful abyss of my corruption and misery.
VII. Jesus falls for the second time
Jesus says to them: “Do not weep for Me, but for yourselves and for your children”, for great misfortunes threaten you. The Passion of Jesus and the compassion of Mary and the tears of this beloved Mother on this mountain, touch us and lead us to weep; but let these tears be shed over our sins to wash them away and over the sins of the world to bend the divine anger. Contrition, penance, this is the remedy for all our ailments. O Jesus, make me understand the great teaching that You give to these pious women. O Mary! O Dispenser of graces! deign to communicate to Your poor child the spirit of penance and shed it on the whole face of the earth to renew it.
VIII. Jesus consoles the women of Jerusalem
The divine face of Jesus is still in the dust. Why this third fall? Jesus wants to expiate the obstinacy of sinners in evil. O mystery! it is this secret of the malice of men that our Mother revealed here: “If My people do not want to submit…” and it is this thought that drew from Her Heart this complaint: “Since the time I suffer for you!” O Jesus, eternal Charity! do not abandon the unfortunate sinners. Multiply, multiply Your mercies; we are the work of Your hands and the price of all Your blood. O Mother, O almighty supplicant, O perfect Reparatrix, O divine Reconciler! do not cease to pray, to beg, to intercede for us.
IX. Jesus falls for the third time
Jesus stripped. Jesus made to drink gall! Oh vanities, worldly finery, sensuality, immodesty, gluttony, voluntary violation of fasting and abstinence, immortifications of all kinds, here is your work! See the shame of the divine Lamb and the torment He endures. Here, our divine Mother has not condemned and scorned you any less by Her words, by Her austere clothing, by Her grief and by Her tears. O Jesus, King of purity! burn, cut, mortify, purify my heart and my senses. Let mortification be the guard of innocence in my soul and body. And You, O Queen of pure hearts, Virgin without equal, cover me with Your protection. I want to resemble You, I want to be at all costs a child whom You carry in Your arms, a child who bears Your features.
X. Jesus is stripped of His garments
His two hands, His two feet are pierced and nailed to the cross; His head wears the crown of thorns; His whole body is covered with wounds and it is for me that He reduced Himself to this extremity. It was His love for my salvation that drove Him to such excessive suffering. At the same time, Mary is standing before Him; Her sorrow has no name in the language of men, and for love of us, She consents to the death of Her Son. O crucified Jesus! I am Yours without return, I want to crucify my flesh with its vices; I surrender to You my soul with all its powers. O Mary! in truth, no matter how much we pray, no matter how much we do, we will never be able to reward the pain You have taken for us; but make effective my desire to give You love for love.
XI. Jesus is nailed to the Cross
Jesus dies. His heart is opened by the lance; His testament is known to us: the Eucharist has been given to us and Mary has become our Mother. The sacrifice is consummated, but Jesus has found, in the resources of His almighty love, the secret to perpetuate it until the end of the centuries and the One He gave us for Mother has come here to show us that it is not in vain that She bears His name. O Jesus, give me to understand both the excellence of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the respect that deserves the day when You make it an obligation to attend it. Enlighten the unfortunate violators of the holy day of Sunday: they do not know of what goods they are depriving themselves. And You, O Mary, our true Mother, our Queen, O divine Messenger of Jesus, may Your people hear Your voice and may this sweet Saviour reign over all redeemed souls.
XII. Jesus dies on the Cross for our salvation
Jesus is taken down from the cross and rests in the arms of His Mother. What a touching sight! What a mystery of suffering and love! The adorable body could not be better placed: Jesus and Mary are one. Neither life nor death, neither time nor eternity can break this ineffable union. Is this not the teaching that this tender Mother gives us in Her Apparition, when She bears on Her Heart the image of Jesus crucified? O Jesus! unite me forever to Mary. It is then that my union with You will be perfect, for it is through Her alone that You give Yourself to Your Chosen Ones and it is in Her that this sublime union is accomplished. And You, O Union of souls, O Mary, Mother of Jesus, unite me, in Your Heart, to this adorable King, Your only love and my only love.
XIII. Jesus is taken down from the Cross
Jesus falls. His adorable face is in the dust and the dust mingles with the blood which flows from the wounds of the crown of thorns. He rises again, unrecognizable. This is the state in which the horrible sin of blasphemy, of which our Mother complains so painfully, still reduces Him in some way. Did I not commit it? Have I not witnessed it without shuddering and without taking any means to repair the insult it inflicts on the glory of God? O Jesus, King of eternal glory, be praised by the angels of heaven and by the whole Church of the earth, in reparation for so many outrages! O Mother, these outrages make Your heart bleed and Your tears flow; may my whole life become a perpetual homage to Jesus, through my fidelity to His divine commandments.
III. Jesus falls for the first time
O holy Mother of Sorrows, impress upon my poor heart the wounds of my sweet Saviour.
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