O Jesus Crucified! Help us to carry our cross as You carried Yours!
O holy Mother of Sorrows, impress upon my poor heart the wounds of my sweet Saviour.
Let Us Pray. Forgive us, O my divine Jesus, the faults of which we might have been guilty in this pious exercise of the Way of the Cross; strengthen us in the good resolutions inspired by the meditation of Your sufferings; allow us to gather from them some precious fruits for our sanctification, and remember, in Your infinite mercy, the souls of our deceased relatives, friends and benefactors. Amen.
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Way of the Cross

in union with Mary, our Mother

Preparatory Prayer. O Jesus, Saviour of men through the Cross, we offer You this pious exercise of the Way of the Cross, to thank You for having suffered death for us, to ask You for forgiveness of all our offenses, and to ask You to apply to the souls in Purgatory the merits of Your holy Passion. And You, O Mary, good and tender Mother, allow Your children to accompany You in this painful way that You have bathed in Your tears, so that, strengthened by Your examples and by Your lessons, we may gather from it some fruits for our sanctification.
And by whom is Jesus condemned to death? By those to whom He had done nothing but good, by those whom He had just rescued from eternal death. And what was His crime? He had loved men too much… Mothers are often inconsolable when they hear physicians declare that all the resources of art are powerless to save a poor sick child from an inevitable death; but You, O Mary, who knew all the perfections, all the tenderness of the Heart of Jesus, how profound must have been the pain You felt when You heard this verdict of death? Jesus is condemned to death! Ah, let us not turn our anger against Pilate, but rather against ourselves. When we commit sin, are we not guilty of ingratitude, of unforgivable wickedness? And yet, O Mary, far from calling down upon us the vengeance of Heaven, You still beg Your divine Son to forgive us! Ah, do not allow us to fall back into sin, which is the murderer of our good Saviour.
I. Jesus is condemned to death.
It should have been we who were the real culprits who took on the weight of the Cross, which had become so heavy because of the sins of the whole human race. And we are afraid of the Cross; we do not dare to touch it in any way; we do not want to impose on ourselves any sacrifice or privation. O Mary, my good Mother, You weep over our blindness and indifference to our salvation, seeing the repugnance we feel at the sight of the Cross… And yet, is it not in the Cross that God has placed the salvation of the world? Is not the Cross our only hope, as the Holy Church sings? Is it not the consolation of the afflicted and penitent soul? May we never forget, O Immaculate Virgin, the words of Your divine Son, who warns us that he who does not carry the Cross is unworthy of Him, and cannot be His disciple; and that if anyone wishes to come after Him, he must carry his Cross every day and follow Him. O Mary, presented by You, the Cross will be dear to us, and we will be happy to carry it.
II. Jesus takes up His Cross.
O Jesus, my Saviour, You, the sustainer of the weak, the strength of the martyrs, You succumb under the weight of the Cross! O Mary, who was initiated into all the secrets of the Heart of Jesus, give us the understanding of this mystery. Let us listen to our Mother: Ah, My children, if you were more docile to grace, if you had a greater abhorrence of sin, if you had more love and gratitude for your good Saviour, you would lighten the weight of the Cross, which He took upon Himself for love of you. But too often you add each day new sins to your past sins; you do not mourn them and this is what grieves the Heart of My Son, this is what makes His Cross so heavy that He is overwhelmed by it and succumbs… O good Mother, who sustained Your dear Son on the Way to Calvary, strengthen us also against our weaknesses, our indifference and our lukewarmness. O compassionate Mother, have mercy on our extreme misery and help us.
III. Jesus falls for the first time.
O Mary, what a painful encounter for Your motherly heart! Jesus, the most beautiful child of men, Jesus, the splendor of the Father, and the figure of His substance, the One whom the Angels adore with trembling, Jesus, the beloved Son of the heavenly Father, who has placed all His pleasures in Him, here He is all disfigured and unrecognizable, but not unrecognizable to Your motherly heart, O Mary. While weeping over the sufferings of Your divine Son, while associating Yourself with His sorrows, You thought of Your dear children, You implored mercy for them. O Jesus, O Mary, what confusion for us to have caused You so many tears and sufferings! But also what gratitude do we not owe You!… O divine Consoler of the afflicted, how happy we are to think that in the time of trials and sorrows of this present life, You sympathize with our miseries, with our sorrows. You will also come to meet Your children; You will encourage them as You encouraged Your dear Son in the painful way of Calvary. Grant us this hope, and receive the homage of our hearts which are entirely devoted to You.
How often, in certain moments of fervor, have we not said to ourselves: Oh, if it had been given to me, as it was to this man, to be called to the great honor of carrying the Cross with Jesus! And yet, it is up to us to enjoy this favor; the opportunity presents itself every day… “My children,” the Virgin Mary tells us, “you long for the honor of helping My divine Son to carry His Cross; well, do everything He tells you. Open the Gospel; what does it say to you? Give food and clothing to the poor, visit the sick, comfort the afflicted… Truly I say to you, whatever good you do to the least of your brothers, I will consider as done to Myself, and so you will make My Cross lighter. The kingdom of heaven suffers violence; correct this defect, destroy this bad habit, hold back your tongue, increase your vigilance, fight your wicked passions… And you will help Me, like the Cyrenian, to carry the weight of My Cross…” Thank you, O good Mother, for the light that You have shone in the eyes of our soul. Oh, let us accompany You on the Way to Calvary, so that we may never be separated from Your dear Son, since He alone has the words of eternal life.
V. Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry His Cross.
O Mary, the holy women of Jerusalem, seeing You so courageously lavish on Your divine Son all the tenderness of Your motherly heart, feel encouraged to follow in Your footsteps. I see one of them, who defies all human respect to help her divine Master; she overcomes all obstacles, passes through the ranks of the soldiers and executioners, approaches Jesus, wipes His face all covered with sweat, dust and blood. The Saviour, to reward her courage and devotion, works a miracle in her favor, by leaving the features of His adorable face printed on the cloth she had used to wipe His face… Oh, how well the behavior of this heroic woman condemns our cowardice, our pusillanimity! O my divine Jesus, how guilty we would be if, seeing Your divine face covered with tears of blood, with which You wept for our sins, we blushed to belong to You and to defend the interests of Your glory… O Mary, grant that we may always bear in mind these words of Your divine Son: “I will recognize before My Father only those who have not blushed at Me before men.”
VI. Veronica wipes the Face of Jesus.
Saint Gertrude tells us that when the Saviour fell a second time, a great clamor arose from the people, and that the executioners uttered blasphemies, mocking and sacrilegious cries. O Mary, who can recount the deep sorrow caused to You by the clamor of that frenzied people, pursuing with blind hatred the Holy of Holies, who was sacrificing Himself for the salvation of the world? But how great is the grief of Your most holy soul at the sight of our recurring sins! Jesus falls under the weight of the Cross, and He rises again… He falls a second time, and He rises again… And we, let us confess it very humbly, fall and fall again; and You see in us no amendment, no serious desire to become better, and this is what grieves Your Immaculate Heart; and You are entitled, O good Mother, to reproach us for being the cause of the blasphemy of the name of God in the world; wicked men are so eager to make religion responsible for our disorders and our imperfections! O Mary, support our faltering steps, and do not allow us to leave this world without having satisfied, by sincere penance, the justice of our God.
VII. Jesus falls for the second time.
What a delightful and consoling station! Jesus consoles the daughters of Jerusalem who follow Him… He is overwhelmed with insults and ill-treatment; He has already succumbed twice to the burden of the Cross; He rises, not to overthrow, with a single glance, His cruel tormentors, as He had done in the garden of Gethsemane, but to address words of consolation to a group of holy women who followed Him to Calvary, out of love and devotion. They lament the terrible state in which His enemies have reduced Him, and He, the good Shepherd, thinks only of the terrible misfortunes that will befall their homeland… O Mary, O Virgin of Sorrows, You were in the midst of these holy women, guiding and encouraging them; You heard these words of consolation and mercy, these salutary warnings that this divine Master addressed to them, and You want us to meditate on them. Your divine Son does not want us to weep over His sufferings, but over our sins which have caused them. Obtain for all Your children the grace to weep for their sins, and thus to deserve to share in spite of our unworthiness, in the consolations that the good Jesus lavishes on faithful and repentant souls who follow Him.
VIII. Jesus consoles the women of Jerusalem.
O Mary, our gentle Mistress, You who had such a perfect understanding of the mystery of the Passion of Your dear Son, tell us then why He fell to the ground three times on the way to Calvary. Ah, My children, it is your infidelities that are the cause. You fall back into your faults so easily that My Son is overwhelmed with sadness; He succumbs under the weight of such a great abuse of His graces. However, see!… He always rises again. But you, have you fallen only three times? If only you would get up again with courage and promptness!… But, oh ungrateful and rebellious children, you delay so long to come back to God truthfully, to enter the narrow way of the Gospel, to cling without return to your sweet Saviour!… O good and tender Mother, take us by the hand and raise us up; turn our hearts to Him who alone can make them happy. We no longer wish to afflict the adorable and merciful Heart of Your divine Son.
IX. Jesus falls for the third time.
Oh, how much it must have cost this good Master to appear naked before an innumerable crowd of spectators! What pains He had to endure when the executioners violently tore off His tunic, which was stuck to His sacred flesh, thus reopening the innumerable and deep wounds which the torture of the scourging had caused Him… What were Your thoughts then, O my divine Saviour? Tell us, O Holy Virgin, You who accompanied Him to His death… O My children, by this complete self-denial, He wanted to give you a double lesson. He wanted to detach your heart from the false goods of the earth, from which death will one day strip you; He also wanted, by this complete nakedness, to expiate all your sensualities, your love of the forbidden pleasures of the flesh, your levity and immodesty. Enter willingly, My children, into the dispositions of the most pure Heart of My divine Son, and ask Him for the grace to fight effectively against sinful thoughts, desires and affections.
X. Jesus is stripped of His garments.
O Mary, O my Mother, and You were present at this painful spectacle! And You heard the hammer blows that were driving the nails into the hands and feet of Your dear Son! And You did not die of pain, because the Lord wanted You to be our model in the afflictions and trials of life. O my sweet Saviour, it was up to us to stretch out our hands and feet to the executioners to nail them to the Cross, since we alone were the real culprits. O my good Mother, help us to conceive a keen horror of sin, the murderer of our good Jesus, the murderer of our souls. Fix also the inconstancy of our hearts, and nail our hands and feet to the Cross, so that we may never separate ourselves from Jesus, who is the life of our souls. Above all, fix our poor hearts to it, so that from now on, attached to the Cross by the bonds of love and gratitude, we may be His for time and for eternity.
XI. Jesus is nailed to the Cross.
O Mary, whom we see standing at the foot of the Cross, receiving with such great calm the last breath of Your divine Son, while in nature everything is in turmoil and stupor, tell us what this twelfth station, whose venerated image we find everywhere, teaches us? Ah, dear children, contemplate your Saviour, tied to the Cross. It is for you that His arms are stretched out; it is for you that His side was opened, yes, for you and for all the sinners of the earth. Come often to the foot of this Cross, from which Jesus, at the moment of expiring, asked forgiveness and mercy for all the sins of the world. May His blood fall upon you, to wash and cleanse you of all your defilements. My Son prayed for you; oh, do not forget it. O blessed Mary, how happy we are to hear it! Ask Your dear Son to receive us into His arms, to open His Heart to us, and to close it upon us, to separate us from the world and all its vain pleasures; and that henceforth our life be hidden in God with Jesus Christ.
XII. Jesus dies on the Cross for our salvation.
O Mary, my good Mother, how Your most holy soul must have been pierced by a sword, by an immense pain, when You received in Your arms The lifeless body of Your sweet Jesus! I understand the reason why the holy Church gave You the name of Our Lady of Infinite Sorrows. She wants us to represent You under the features of an afflicted mother, whose heart is pierced with seven swords. O Mary, You present this good Jesus to our eyes, and it seems to us that we hear You speak this language to us: O My children, cast your eyes upon the body of your Saviour, your God, this pallid, bloody and wounded body. See! So many humiliations, sufferings and love! And all this to save your souls! Will you not make any sacrifice for your Saviour? Would I have resigned Myself to the immolation of My dear Son without this immolation benefiting you? Oh no, most holy Mother of God, we don’t want to cause You this sorrow anymore… We sincerely deplore our guilty cowardice. We promise You to make amends and to repair by a redoubling of love and a serious penance our innumerable sins which made Your sweet Jesus die.
XIII. Jesus is taken down from the Cross.
O my divine Saviour, it is not for ever that You are placed in the tomb. Soon, O divine Mary, You will see Him again: consoling You, wiping Your tears and congratulating You on Your courage. It is not so with us. Too often, by our infidelities, we dig ourselves a foul grave, where we let our soul fall asleep with a sleep of death, for whole months, for years perhaps… Yet it would be so easy for us to come out of the tomb of our sins, to resurrect to grace, to take up a new life, the life of the children of God, the children of Mary. The tomb of Jesus, the emblem of our holy Tabernacles, contains an inexhaustible source of graces that urge us to return to God… And we are not going to quench our thirst at this source of living water, which flows back to eternal life!… Oh! if we are lost, it will be our fault. O good Mother, do not allow it; rather, perform a miracle in favor of Your children. The less we deserve it, the more honor will come to You, the more You will have the right to our eternal gratitude.
XIV. Jesus is laid in the tomb.
IV. Jesus encounters His Most Holy Mother.
After the Station
O Jesus Crucified! Help us to carry our cross as You carried Yours!
O holy Mother of Sorrows, impress upon my poor heart the wounds of my sweet Saviour.
Let Us Pray. Forgive us, O my divine Jesus, the faults of which we might have been guilty in this pious exercise of the Way of the Cross; strengthen us in the good resolutions inspired by the meditation of Your sufferings; allow us to gather from them some precious fruits for our sanctification, and remember, in Your infinite mercy, the souls of our deceased relatives, friends and benefactors. Amen.

Way of the Cross

in union with Mary, our Mother

Preparatory Prayer. O Jesus, Saviour of men through the Cross, we offer You this pious exercise of the Way of the Cross, to thank You for having suffered death for us, to ask You for forgiveness of all our offenses, and to ask You to apply to the souls in Purgatory the merits of Your holy Passion. And You, O Mary, good and tender Mother, allow Your children to accompany You in this painful way that You have bathed in Your tears, so that, strengthened by Your examples and by Your lessons, we may gather from it some fruits for our sanctification.
And by whom is Jesus condemned to death? By those to whom He had done nothing but good, by those whom He had just rescued from eternal death. And what was His crime? He had loved men too much… Mothers are often inconsolable when they hear physicians declare that all the resources of art are powerless to save a poor sick child from an inevitable death; but You, O Mary, who knew all the perfections, all the tenderness of the Heart of Jesus, how profound must have been the pain You felt when You heard this verdict of death? Jesus is condemned to death! Ah, let us not turn our anger against Pilate, but rather against ourselves. When we commit sin, are we not guilty of ingratitude, of unforgivable wickedness? And yet, O Mary, far from calling down upon us the vengeance of Heaven, You still beg Your divine Son to forgive us! Ah, do not allow us to fall back into sin, which is the murderer of our good Saviour.
I. Jesus is condemned to death.
It should have been we who were the real culprits who took on the weight of the Cross, which had become so heavy because of the sins of the whole human race. And we are afraid of the Cross; we do not dare to touch it in any way; we do not want to impose on ourselves any sacrifice or privation. O Mary, my good Mother, You weep over our blindness and indifference to our salvation, seeing the repugnance we feel at the sight of the Cross… And yet, is it not in the Cross that God has placed the salvation of the world? Is not the Cross our only hope, as the Holy Church sings? Is it not the consolation of the afflicted and penitent soul? May we never forget, O Immaculate Virgin, the words of Your divine Son, who warns us that he who does not carry the Cross is unworthy of Him, and cannot be His disciple; and that if anyone wishes to come after Him, he must carry his Cross every day and follow Him. O Mary, presented by You, the Cross will be dear to us, and we will be happy to carry it.
II. Jesus takes up His Cross.
O Jesus, my Saviour, You, the sustainer of the weak, the strength of the martyrs, You succumb under the weight of the Cross! O Mary, who was initiated into all the secrets of the Heart of Jesus, give us the understanding of this mystery. Let us listen to our Mother: Ah, My children, if you were more docile to grace, if you had a greater abhorrence of sin, if you had more love and gratitude for your good Saviour, you would lighten the weight of the Cross, which He took upon Himself for love of you. But too often you add each day new sins to your past sins; you do not mourn them and this is what grieves the Heart of My Son, this is what makes His Cross so heavy that He is overwhelmed by it and succumbs… O good Mother, who sustained Your dear Son on the Way to Calvary, strengthen us also against our weaknesses, our indifference and our lukewarmness. O compassionate Mother, have mercy on our extreme misery and help us.
III. Jesus falls for the first time.
O Mary, what a painful encounter for Your motherly heart! Jesus, the most beautiful child of men, Jesus, the splendor of the Father, and the figure of His substance, the One whom the Angels adore with trembling, Jesus, the beloved Son of the heavenly Father, who has placed all His pleasures in Him, here He is all disfigured and unrecognizable, but not unrecognizable to Your motherly heart, O Mary. While weeping over the sufferings of Your divine Son, while associating Yourself with His sorrows, You thought of Your dear children, You implored mercy for them. O Jesus, O Mary, what confusion for us to have caused You so many tears and sufferings! But also what gratitude do we not owe You!… O divine Consoler of the afflicted, how happy we are to think that in the time of trials and sorrows of this present life, You sympathize with our miseries, with our sorrows. You will also come to meet Your children; You will encourage them as You encouraged Your dear Son in the painful way of Calvary. Grant us this hope, and receive the homage of our hearts which are entirely devoted to You.
IV. Jesus encounters His Most Holy Mother.
O Mary, the holy women of Jerusalem, seeing You so courageously lavish on Your divine Son all the tenderness of Your motherly heart, feel encouraged to follow in Your footsteps. I see one of them, who defies all human respect to help her divine Master; she overcomes all obstacles, passes through the ranks of the soldiers and executioners, approaches Jesus, wipes His face all covered with sweat, dust and blood. The Saviour, to reward her courage and devotion, works a miracle in her favor, by leaving the features of His adorable face printed on the cloth she had used to wipe His face… Oh, how well the behavior of this heroic woman condemns our cowardice, our pusillanimity! O my divine Jesus, how guilty we would be if, seeing Your divine face covered with tears of blood, with which You wept for our sins, we blushed to belong to You and to defend the interests of Your glory… O Mary, grant that we may always bear in mind these words of Your divine Son: “I will recognize before My Father only those who have not blushed at Me before men.”
VI. Veronica wipes the Face of Jesus.
Saint Gertrude tells us that when the Saviour fell a second time, a great clamor arose from the people, and that the executioners uttered blasphemies, mocking and sacrilegious cries. O Mary, who can recount the deep sorrow caused to You by the clamor of that frenzied people, pursuing with blind hatred the Holy of Holies, who was sacrificing Himself for the salvation of the world? But how great is the grief of Your most holy soul at the sight of our recurring sins! Jesus falls under the weight of the Cross, and He rises again… He falls a second time, and He rises again… And we, let us confess it very humbly, fall and fall again; and You see in us no amendment, no serious desire to become better, and this is what grieves Your Immaculate Heart; and You are entitled, O good Mother, to reproach us for being the cause of the blasphemy of the name of God in the world; wicked men are so eager to make religion responsible for our disorders and our imperfections! O Mary, support our faltering steps, and do not allow us to leave this world without having satisfied, by sincere penance, the justice of our God.
VII. Jesus falls for the second time.
What a delightful and consoling station! Jesus consoles the daughters of Jerusalem who follow Him… He is overwhelmed with insults and ill-treatment; He has already succumbed twice to the burden of the Cross; He rises, not to overthrow, with a single glance, His cruel tormentors, as He had done in the garden of Gethsemane, but to address words of consolation to a group of holy women who followed Him to Calvary, out of love and devotion. They lament the terrible state in which His enemies have reduced Him, and He, the good Shepherd, thinks only of the terrible misfortunes that will befall their homeland… O Mary, O Virgin of Sorrows, You were in the midst of these holy women, guiding and encouraging them; You heard these words of consolation and mercy, these salutary warnings that this divine Master addressed to them, and You want us to meditate on them. Your divine Son does not want us to weep over His sufferings, but over our sins which have caused them. Obtain for all Your children the grace to weep for their sins, and thus to deserve to share in spite of our unworthiness, in the consolations that the good Jesus lavishes on faithful and repentant souls who follow Him.
VIII. Jesus consoles the women of Jerusalem.
O Mary, our gentle Mistress, You who had such a perfect understanding of the mystery of the Passion of Your dear Son, tell us then why He fell to the ground three times on the way to Calvary. Ah, My children, it is your infidelities that are the cause. You fall back into your faults so easily that My Son is overwhelmed with sadness; He succumbs under the weight of such a great abuse of His graces. However, see!… He always rises again. But you, have you fallen only three times? If only you would get up again with courage and promptness!… But, oh ungrateful and rebellious children, you delay so long to come back to God truthfully, to enter the narrow way of the Gospel, to cling without return to your sweet Saviour!… O good and tender Mother, take us by the hand and raise us up; turn our hearts to Him who alone can make them happy. We no longer wish to afflict the adorable and merciful Heart of Your divine Son.
IX. Jesus falls for the third time.
Oh, how much it must have cost this good Master to appear naked before an innumerable crowd of spectators! What pains He had to endure when the executioners violently tore off His tunic, which was stuck to His sacred flesh, thus reopening the innumerable and deep wounds which the torture of the scourging had caused Him… What were Your thoughts then, O my divine Saviour? Tell us, O Holy Virgin, You who accompanied Him to His death… O My children, by this complete self-denial, He wanted to give you a double lesson. He wanted to detach your heart from the false goods of the earth, from which death will one day strip you; He also wanted, by this complete nakedness, to expiate all your sensualities, your love of the forbidden pleasures of the flesh, your levity and immodesty. Enter willingly, My children, into the dispositions of the most pure Heart of My divine Son, and ask Him for the grace to fight effectively against sinful thoughts, desires and affections.
X. Jesus is stripped of His garments.
O Mary, O my Mother, and You were present at this painful spectacle! And You heard the hammer blows that were driving the nails into the hands and feet of Your dear Son! And You did not die of pain, because the Lord wanted You to be our model in the afflictions and trials of life. O my sweet Saviour, it was up to us to stretch out our hands and feet to the executioners to nail them to the Cross, since we alone were the real culprits. O my good Mother, help us to conceive a keen horror of sin, the murderer of our good Jesus, the murderer of our souls. Fix also the inconstancy of our hearts, and nail our hands and feet to the Cross, so that we may never separate ourselves from Jesus, who is the life of our souls. Above all, fix our poor hearts to it, so that from now on, attached to the Cross by the bonds of love and gratitude, we may be His for time and for eternity.
XI. Jesus is nailed to the Cross.
O Mary, whom we see standing at the foot of the Cross, receiving with such great calm the last breath of Your divine Son, while in nature everything is in turmoil and stupor, tell us what this twelfth station, whose venerated image we find everywhere, teaches us? Ah, dear children, contemplate your Saviour, tied to the Cross. It is for you that His arms are stretched out; it is for you that His side was opened, yes, for you and for all the sinners of the earth. Come often to the foot of this Cross, from which Jesus, at the moment of expiring, asked forgiveness and mercy for all the sins of the world. May His blood fall upon you, to wash and cleanse you of all your defilements. My Son prayed for you; oh, do not forget it. O blessed Mary, how happy we are to hear it! Ask Your dear Son to receive us into His arms, to open His Heart to us, and to close it upon us, to separate us from the world and all its vain pleasures; and that henceforth our life be hidden in God with Jesus Christ.
XII. Jesus dies on the Cross for our salvation.
O Mary, my good Mother, how Your most holy soul must have been pierced by a sword, by an immense pain, when You received in Your arms The lifeless body of Your sweet Jesus! I understand the reason why the holy Church gave You the name of Our Lady of Infinite Sorrows. She wants us to represent You under the features of an afflicted mother, whose heart is pierced with seven swords. O Mary, You present this good Jesus to our eyes, and it seems to us that we hear You speak this language to us: O My children, cast your eyes upon the body of your Saviour, your God, this pallid, bloody and wounded body. See! So many humiliations, sufferings and love! And all this to save your souls! Will you not make any sacrifice for your Saviour? Would I have resigned Myself to the immolation of My dear Son without this immolation benefiting you? Oh no, most holy Mother of God, we don’t want to cause You this sorrow anymore… We sincerely deplore our guilty cowardice. We promise You to make amends and to repair by a redoubling of love and a serious penance our innumerable sins which made Your sweet Jesus die.
XIII. Jesus is taken down from the Cross.
How often, in certain moments of fervor, have we not said to ourselves: Oh, if it had been given to me, as it was to this man, to be called to the great honor of carrying the Cross with Jesus! And yet, it is up to us to enjoy this favor; the opportunity presents itself every day… “My children,” the Virgin Mary tells us, “you long for the honor of helping My divine Son to carry His Cross; well, do everything He tells you. Open the Gospel; what does it say to you? Give food and clothing to the poor, visit the sick, comfort the afflicted… Truly I say to you, whatever good you do to the least of your brothers, I will consider as done to Myself, and so you will make My Cross lighter. The kingdom of heaven suffers violence; correct this defect, destroy this bad habit, hold back your tongue, increase your vigilance, fight your wicked passions… And you will help Me, like the Cyrenian, to carry the weight of My Cross…” Thank you, O good Mother, for the light that You have shone in the eyes of our soul. Oh, let us accompany You on the Way to Calvary, so that we may never be separated from Your dear Son, since He alone has the words of eternal life.
V. Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry His Cross.
O my divine Saviour, it is not for ever that You are placed in the tomb. Soon, O divine Mary, You will see Him again: consoling You, wiping Your tears and congratulating You on Your courage. It is not so with us. Too often, by our infidelities, we dig ourselves a foul grave, where we let our soul fall asleep with a sleep of death, for whole months, for years perhaps… Yet it would be so easy for us to come out of the tomb of our sins, to resurrect to grace, to take up a new life, the life of the children of God, the children of Mary. The tomb of Jesus, the emblem of our holy Tabernacles, contains an inexhaustible source of graces that urge us to return to God… And we are not going to quench our thirst at this source of living water, which flows back to eternal life!… Oh! if we are lost, it will be our fault. O good Mother, do not allow it; rather, perform a miracle in favor of Your children. The less we deserve it, the more honor will come to You, the more You will have the right to our eternal gratitude.
XIV. Jesus is laid in the tomb.
Top of page After the Station