Litany in honor of the Eternal Father

Let us unite ourselves with Our Lord Jesus Christ, the perfect Praise of His Father, to invoke in His name God the Eternal Father, and implore upon us the effects of His mercy and infinite goodness. Let us also unite ourselves to the ineffable feelings that the august and immaculate Virgin Mary, the most perfect of His creatures, had on earth for this holy Father. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us. God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us. Our Father who are in Heaven, Hear the voice of Your children who are on earth. Father, who have no principle, but are the principle of all things, Be our last end and the principle of all our works. Father, who have no father, and are Father from all eternity, Show Yourself our Father and give us a share in Your inheritance. Father, who alone begat the Son, Make Him live in us in all His virtues. Father, who with the Son produce the Holy Spirit, Come and establish in us Your dwelling place. Father, source of the Divinity, Preserve in us Your divine image. Father, Origin of Holiness, Give us the desire of our perfection. Father, of Wisdom and Truth, Preserve us from the prudence of the world and from all illusion. Father of infinite majesty, May we always respect Your divine presence. Eternal Father of lights, Dispel the darkness of our ignorance. Father, Creator of angels and men, Create in us new hearts. Father, Founder of all things, May Your kingdom be established in all places. Father, from whom all fatherhood comes, Multiply our works of charity and make them fruitful. Father, from whom all power flows, Enable us to undertake everything for Your glory. Father of all consolation, Sustain us in our trials. Father of endless love, Be the only object of our love. Father, who wants to save all men. Fulfill in us the designs of Your mercy. Father, who out of Love give Your Son to the world, Save this world which You have so loved. Father, who from Your bosom send Your Word, Make Him reign fully in our hearts. Father, who established Mary Mother of God, Glorify in all places this august Mother. Father, who entrusted Your Son to Joseph, Give us also this saint for our Guardian and Father. Father, who predestined us through Jesus Christ, Make us one of the elect. Father, who offer your Son to redeem the slave, Make us enjoy the freedom of Your true children. Father, who for our sake did not spare Your Son Make us likewise sacrifice ourselves for Your love. Father, who put Your complacency in Your Son, May this loving Son please Himself in us and we in Him. Father, whom the world has not known, Make us grow daily in Your knowledge and love. Father whom the Son has revealed, Increase in us the gift of faith. Father whom the dying Son prayed for us, Make effective for us His prayers and His blood. Father to whom the dying Son gave His soul, Have mercy on us at our last hour. Father, who raised your Son from the dead, Raise to grace all poor sinners. Father, who gave your Son a seat at Your right hand, May we all reign with Him in glory. Father, who poured out Your Holy Spirit upon the sons of adoption, Make us faithful to His inspirations. Father, who hid the mystery of the cross from the wise of the world, Give us the understanding of this mystery of love. Father, who revealed the mystery of the cross to the little ones, Make us worthy of the treasures of grace hidden in this mystery. Father, who see those who pray to You in secret, Give us the knowledge and love of prayer. Father, who love those who worship You in spirit and in truth, May we seek to please You in all things. Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and who deigns to be our Father, May we always be true children to You. Ineffable Father, Let the angels celebrate Your infinite greatness. Father, whose own nature is to forgive, Forget our offenses, and pour out Your mercy upon us. God, our protector, look upon us, And consider the face of Thy Christ. Lord, answer my prayer, And let my cry come unto Thee. Let Us Pray. Lord, Almighty God, who loved the world to the point of giving it Your only begotten Son, please accept the thanksgiving we humbly offer You for such a great benefit, and in Your mercy, help us to accomplish with all our hearts and actions, what this God made man has taught us by His words and His examples. Through the same Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen. May the Eternal Father bless us forever. Amen.