The life of the Patron Saint of each dayA rich anthology that reveals who they were, how they achieved the greatest feat of a life: holiness.Spiritual Instructionsby Father Mathurin of the Mother of GodLiturgical CalendarOn Sundays and feast days, discover the texts of the Mass and Dom Guéranger’s explanation of the Gospel and Epistle.A beautiful Story for each dayFor a detox cure of the soul, read a captivating storyeach day. You will feel purified and invigorated. Through this pleasant and entertaining means, you will learn the truths of the Faith.(Under construction. Thank you for your patience!)
AlltheSaintshaveemployedandrecommended“DivineReading”as apowerfulmeansofsanctification.SaintFrancisdeSalescalls spiritualreading“afoodforthesoul”or“anoilthatmustbepoured into the lamp of divine love so that it will never go out.”Forreadingtobefruitful,wemustpraytotheHolySpirittoinspire oursoulanddisposeourhearttoputintopracticethe enlightenment received by this means.
Spiritual Reading, a powerful means of salvation
The life of the Patron Saint of each dayA rich anthology that reveals who they were, how they achieved the greatest feat of a life: holiness.Spiritual Instructionsby Father Mathurin of the Mother of GodLiturgical CalendarOn Sundays and feast days, discover the texts of the Mass and Dom Guéranger’s explanation of the Gospel and Epistle.A beautiful Story for each dayFor a detox cure of the soul, read a captivating storyeach day. You will feel purified and invigorated. Through this pleasant and entertaining means, you will learn the truths of the Faith.(Under construction. Thank you for your patience!)
AlltheSaintshaveemployedand recommended“DivineReading”asa powerfulmeansofsanctification.Saint FrancisdeSalescallsspiritualreading“a foodforthesoul”or“anoilthatmustbe pouredintothelampofdivinelovesothat it will never go out.”Forreadingtobefruitful,wemustprayto theHolySpirittoinspireoursouland disposeourhearttoputintopracticethe enlightenment received by this means.