For the preservation of the Deposit of Faith.

For the Kingdom of God to come!


The Order of the Magnificat of the Mother of God has a special purpose the preservation of the Deposit of Faith through religious education in all its forms. God has established it as a bulwark against the almost general apostasy which has invaded Christendom and in particular the Roman Church.

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Honorable tribute to the Heart of Jesus

Honorable tribute to the Heart of Jesus

Let us console the Heart of our Jesus, so outraged by ungrateful and sinful men.

Most adorable and most lovable Jesus, always filled with love for us, always touched by our miseries, always urged by the desire to share with us Your treasures and to give You Yourself all to us; Jesus, my Saviour and my God, who, through the excess of the most ardent and prodigious of all loves, placed Yourself in the state of victim in the adorable Eucharist, where You offer Yourself for us as a sacrifice a million times every day, what must be Your feelings in this state, finding for all this, in the hearts of most men, only harshness, forgetfulness, ingratitude and contempt? Was it not enough, O my Saviour, to have taken the path that was hardest for You to save us, even though You could show us excessive love at much less cost? Wasn’t it enough to abandon Yourself for once to this cruel agony, and to the mortal discomfort caused by the horrible image of our sins, with which You were burdened? Why still want to expose Yourself every day to all the indignities of which the blackest malice of men and demons was capable? Ah, my God and my all-loving Redeemer, what were the feelings of Your Sacred Heart at the sight of all these ingratitudes and sins? What was the bitterness into which so many sacrileges and so many outrages plunged Your Heart?
Moved by extreme regret for all these indignities, here I am prostrated and annihilated before You to make amends to You, in the eyes of heaven and earth, for all the irreverence and outrages You have received on our altars, since the institution of this adorable Sacrament. It is with a heart humbled and broken with pain that I ask You a thousand and one pardons for all these indignities. What can I do, O my God, to water with my tears and wash with my blood all the places where Your Sacred Heart has been horribly outraged, and where the marks of Your divine love have been received with such strange contempt? May I not, by some new kind of homage, humiliation and annihilation, make reparation for so many sacrileges and profanations! May I not, for a moment, be the Master of the hearts of all men, to make reparation in some way, by the sacrifice I would make to You, for the forgetfulness and insensitivity of all those who have not wanted to know You, or who, having known You, have loved You so little!
But, O my lovable Savior, what covers me with even more confusion, what must make me groan even more, is that I myself was one of these ungrateful people. My God, who sees the depths of my heart, You know the pain I feel at my ungratefulness, and the regret I have at seeing You treated so unjustly; You know the willingness I have to suffer everything and do everything to make amends. So here I am, Lord, broken-hearted, humiliated, prostrate, ready to receive from Your hand whatever You please to demand of me in reparation for so many outrages. Strike, Lord, strike, I will bless and kiss a hundred times the hand that will bring such just punishment upon me. How could I not be a suitable victim to make reparation for so many insults! How could I not sprinkle with my blood all the places where Your sacred Body has been dragged along the ground and trampled underfoot! Too happy if I could, by all possible torments, make reparation for so many outrages, so much contempt and so much impiety! If I do not deserve this grace, at least accept the true desire I have for it.
Receive, Eternal Father, this amends I make to You, in union with that which this Sacred Heart made to You on Calvary, and which Mary herself made to You at the foot of the cross of Her Son, and in view of the prayer which Her Sacred Heart makes to You, forgive me for so many iniquities and so many irreverences committed, and make effective, by Your grace, the will I have and the resolution I make to forget nothing in order to love ardently and to honor, in every possible way, my Sovereign, my Savior and my Judge, whom I believe to be truly present in the adorable Eucharist. I intend to prove henceforth, by the reverence with which I will be in His presence, and by my assiduity in courting Him, that I believe Him to be truly present. And as I make a profession of singularly honoring His Sacred Heart, it is also in this same Heart that I wish to spend the rest of my life. Grant me the grace I ask of You, to breathe my last in this same Heart at the hour of my death. Amen.

Sacré-Coeur de Jésus

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