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For the Preservation of the Deposit of the Faith!
For the Kingdom of God to come!

Jesus Christ the King, May Your Kingdom come!
“Behold your King!” said Governor Pilate to the Jews. The Jews replied, “We do not want Him to reign over us! We have no other king than Caesar!”
Pilate offers the Jews to recognize and proclaim Jesus as their King. The Jews make their choice. Caesar will be their King, and Jesus will be put to death…
The Eternal Father presents the divine Redeemer to the world, forever present and living in the Eucharist, saying, “Behold your King…” – Here is your King, to be adored, loved, and served.
Caesar presents himself at the same time to reign over the heart of the Christian. Caesar is the world with all its demands, its maxims, its sensual joys; Jesus is the Host, the humiliation, the suffering, the crown of thorns, the cross. It is not possible for you to remain indecisive for long. You must make your choice between Jesus and the world. You must rally to the flag of one or the other… Don’t you know that the love of this world is enmity against God? Therefore whoever wants to be a friend of this world becomes an enemy of God. (James 4:4)
Who will you choose? Jesus or Caesar?
Yes, Father, I have chosen, Jesus will be my King! I want Him to reign as my ruler.
Father, grant my prayer.
May Jesus Host reign over me. From now on I want to think only of Him, to study only Him, His divine excellence, His infinite kindness, His holy law, His adorable precepts, His examples. I want to establish Him forever as the King of my thoughts….
May Jesus Host reign over my heart. May my heart henceforth be all His and His alone. May He have the first place in my affections. May my heart never have the misfortune of being divided between His love and that of the world, between the service of this divine King and that of my passions! And if a few foreign Caesars should again assail me and besiege my heart, let me answer them without hesitation: “We have no other king but Jesus Christ. – My one and only king is the Lord Jesus Christ!”
May Jesus Host reign over my will. I want to submit to His law, embrace His will, and bravely bear His yoke. It is on You, O my God, that I count to resist the enemies of His royalty in me and to defend the citadel of my soul… Give me the strength to say always frankly no to temptation and sin, and to remain fearless and blameless in the service of Jesus… Yes, I want to establish Him forever as the King of my freedom…
May Jesus Host reign over my whole life. May I work, pray, suffer and rejoice for Him. May my only joy in the world be to live in the shadow of His tabernacles or at the foot of His throne… May my supreme happiness be to place Him every morning on the throne of my heart through Holy Communion…
Make, O Jesus, universal King of souls, may Your Eucharistic reign, may the reign of Your Sacred Heart come!…
Lead, govern by faith the world of the intelligences, and may all, great and small, learned and ignorant, kings and nations, receive with submission Your doctrine and bow their brows before the great Mystery of faith…
Direct, govern by love the hearts of all men. Let all understand that if You have cast a veil over Your shining face, if You have hidden Your glory under obscure appearances, it is in order to remove fear from their hearts and obtain love from them…
Lead, govern the world of souls. It would not be enough for You to have triumphed over the intelligences by faith, to have subjugated hearts by love, it is necessary that souls offer You the homage reserved for the divinity: adoration. May all recognize You not only for a King, even for a great King, but for their God, their Creator and their Savior. May all confess their nothingness in the face of Your infinite greatness…
Lead, rule the nations and their governments. Your reign, O Jesus, must be a social reign. You are not only God, the King of individuals and families: You are also God and King of nations… Make, O divine King, that guards of honor be established in each of Your temples, … so that You may have the consolation of having always and everywhere at Your feet, many subjects who adore You and love You…
Be the King of nations, the King of families, the King of individuals…
Blessed must be the soul who can say to Jesus in all truth:
“You are my only king, my only good, my only love…”