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Prayer to ask for the love of the Heart of Jesus
I love You, O Heart all burning with love for God and for me! I unite myself to all Your movements, to Your holy dispositions; and I ask You the grace to live from Your life and to burn from Your fires.
I rejoice to see You loved and glorified in Heaven and I implore the grace to take part in Your sorrows. I would gladly suffer rather than displease You and I would gladly die to prevent a single mortal sin.
Grant that my soul may feel Your divine impulse, and bring it to the renunciation of every human thing capable of separating me from You and altering my love for You.
O Divine Heart, my dearest desire is to lose myself in You, to live only of You, in You, and for love of You. Apply myself to dwell in spirit at Your feet, like the burning lamp that is consumed before the Blessed Sacrament. May my heart, like that lamp, no longer lose Your presence. May Your will be the light of my heart, and Your love the flame that consumes it in time and for eternity. Amen.