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Prayer to Saint Therese of the Child Jesus to learn to live with love like her
O Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, you who knew how to find the way of trust and love, through your intercession, may we be granted the grace to follow this way with confidence.
O Saint Therese, intercede for us.
Obtain for us the grace not to rely on our own strength, but to put our hope in God alone,
To accept our imperfections without bitterness,
To forget ourselves, in order to leave all the space in us to Jesus,
To not to seek honors and power, but to know how to hide ourselves with love in the arms of Jesus, just like you did,
Obtain for us the generosity to offer many sacrifices to Jesus to respond to His thirst for love,
To know how to discover the qualities of our neighbor without stopping at his weaknesses,
To know how to remain humble,
To give thanks to God in all things.
Finally, obtain for us an absolute confidence in God’s love for each one of us.
Saint Therese of Lisieux, pray for us!