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To the Holy Spirit, God of Love
O Spirit! O Love! O Truth who are my God! Come and make a new creation in my soul; come, it opens itself to You without reserve; come, for it is poor, destitute, abandoned. Bring it light and peace; pour love into it like living water that springs to eternal life. I surrender myself entirely to Your guidance, O Holy Spirit. Too often, alas, I have resisted You or not wanted to listen to Your voice; but from now on I will obey You faithfully. My heart is Your domain, act in it as You please; rise up like the aquilon to strike down all my passions and overturn my plans that do not conform to Your good pleasure; come like a gentle and refreshing wind to console my soul. I surrender myself to Your guidance with a confidence that will bring me happiness and salvation. Yes, it is for You to command, and I am too happy to obey.