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To Mary, Mother of Mercy
You are so humble; obtain for me, therefore, humility and the love of scorn. You have been so patient in the sorrows of this life; obtain for me patience in the adversities. You are so full of love for God; obtain for me the gift of holy and pure love. You are so full of charity for your neighbour; obtain for me charity towards all, especially towards those who are opposed to me. You have always been united to the Will of God; obtain for me complete conformity to all the provisions of Providence which concern me. In a word, You are the holiest of all creatures; O Mary, make me holy. You do not lack love, You can and You want to procure for me all the goods; the only thing that can prevent me from receiving Your graces is either my negligence in invoking You, or my little trust in Your intercession; But these two essential dispositions, fidelity to invoke You and trust in You, it is You who must obtain them for me, and it is from You that I ask for them, it is from You that I want them, it is from You that I hope for them, and I await them from You with assurance, O Mary, my Mother, my Hope, my Love, my Life, my Refuge, my Help and my Consolation!