Let us consider that Mary was glorious at death, because She had prepared to die well, through an ardent desire to see God and to be united with Her divine Son, and through an unal-terable perfection in Her actions. Seeing how far we are from preparing for death as Mary did, let us thus pray to Her:O holy Virgin! who prepared Yourself for a holy death, by living in continual desire for the beatific vision, remove from us vain desires for the perishable things of earth.Hail Mary…O holy Virgin! who, in preparation for a holy death, desired during Your life to unite Yourself to Jesus Your divine Son, obtain for us the grace to remain faithful to Him until death.Hail Mary…O holy Virgin, who prepared for death by amassing an immense treasure of virtue and merit, let us always remember that grace and virtue alone are capable of leading us to salvation.Hail Mary…Let us congratulate Mary on the diligence with which She prepared to die well, and, to exalt Her glory, let us unite with the nine choirs of Angels who accompanied Her in Her Assumption into heaven, and say with the Seraphim, first choir of Angels:3 Hail Mary’s…Let Us Pray. We pray Thee, O Lord, to forgive the sins of Thy servants, so that, unable to please Thee by our actions, we may be saved by the intercession of the Mother of Thy Son Our Lord. Amen.
Let us consider the glory of Mary in having been consoled at death, not only by the Apostles and Saints, but also by Jesus Christ Her divine Son; contemplating the excess of joy She experienced in that last moment for so many favors, let us recommend ourselves to Her, saying:O glorious Virgin! who had the consolation of dying in the presence of the Apostles and Saints, obtain for us the grace of being assisted, at our last hour, by You and by our patron saints.Hail Mary…Glorious Virgin who, at the moment of death, was sustained by the presence of Jesus, Your divine Son, obtain for us the grace of being nourished by Him as we receive Holy Viaticum at this last moment. Hail Mary…Glorious Virgin, who entrusted Your spirit into the hands of Jesus, obtain for us the grace to abandon ourselves to Him unreservedly during life and death, so that we may never think of anything but doing His most holy will. Hail Mary…Let us exalt the glory of Mary, who was assisted in death by the Apostles and by Jesus, Her Son; let us applaud Her triumph, saying with the Cherubim, second choir of Angels:3 Hail Mary’s…Let Us Pray. We pray Thee, O Lord, to forgive the sins of Thy servants, so that, unable to please Thee by our actions, we may be saved by the intercession of the Mother of Thy Son Our Lord. Amen.
Let us consider that Mary was glorious to die by the effect of the pure love of God; if we want to have a little share in this divine fire, let us turn to Her, saying: O Mary, blessed Virgin, who left mortal life through the violence of God’s love, ask that this flame of divine love be kindled in us, according to God’s good pleasure.Hail Mary…O Mary! Blessed Virgin, who by dying of love taught us what our affection for God should be, obtain for us that we may always remain united to Him in life and in death. Hail Mary…O Mary! Blessed Virgin, who, by leaving life through the power of pure love, showed with what fire Your heart was ablaze, obtain for us at least a spark of that divine fire which works in us a true repentance of our faults.Hail Mary…Let us exalt the inexpressible glory of Mary ablaze with divine love, and let us say, with the Thrones, the third choir of Angels: 3 Hail Mary’s…Let Us Pray. We pray Thee, O Lord, to forgive the sins of Thy servants, so that, unable to please Thee by our actions, we may be saved by the intercession of the Mother of Thy Son Our Lord. Amen.
Consider that after Mary’s death, Her body was glorious, be-cause it was adorned with splendor and holy majesty, because it gave off a divine fragrance, and worked wonders. At the sight of our misery, let us turn to Her, and beseech Her, saying:O pure Virgin who, by Your virginal purity, merited that Your body should be so resplendent after death, obtain for us the grace to drive away from us all impure thoughts. Hail Mary…O pure Virgin, who by Your rare virtues merited that Your body should exhale after Your death a heavenly fragrance, grant that our life may edify our neighbor, and that we may never be a cause of scandal by our bad examples. Hail Mary…O pure Virgin, whose mortal remains worked wonders, obtain for us the healing of all our spiritual infirmities. Hail Mary…Let us rejoice at the sight of Mary’s glory in Her holy body after Her death; let us unite with the Dominations, the fourth choir of Angels who exalt Her greatness, and let us say:3 Hail Mary’s…Let Us Pray. We pray Thee, O Lord, to forgive the sins of Thy servants, so that, unable to please Thee by our actions, we may be saved by the intercession of the Mother of Thy Son Our Lord. Amen.
Let us consider that Mary was glorious after Her death, be-cause Her sacred body was resurrected by the virtue of the Most High, and was immediately clothed with clarity, sub-tlety, agility and impassibility: delighted to see Her in so much glory, let us invoke Her, saying:Most exalted Queen, whom God has so gloriously resurrected, be propitious to us, obtain for us that on the last day we may be resurrected like You. Hail Mary…O most exalted Queen, whose resurrected body was glorified by clarity and subtlety, as a reward for Your exemplary and humble way of life, remove from us all contemptuous ways, all vain self-esteem, and let humility alone be the ornament of our lives. Hail Mary…O most exalted Queen! whose resurrected body was glorified by agility and impassivity, as a reward for the fervor and patience which distinguished You on earth, ask for us the courage to mortify our bodies and patiently repress our vicious inclinations.Hail Mary…Let us give Mary the praise due to Her; let us exalt the glory She received in Her resurrected body, and let us say, with the Virtues, the fifth choir of Angels:3 Hail Mary’s…Let Us Pray. We pray Thee, O Lord, to forgive the sins of Thy servants, so that, unable to please Thee by our actions, we may be saved by the intercession of the Mother of Thy Son Our Lord. Amen.
Consider that Mary was gloriously raised to heaven, accom-panied by a multitude of heavenly spirits and holy souls de-livered from purgatory by Her merits. Let us applaud the majesty of Her triumph, and invoke Her with humble prayers, saying:O great Queen! who was raised with such majesty in the bosom of eternal peace, remove from us all earthly thoughts, and make our hearts remain firm in the contemplation of the immutable goods of paradise.Hail Mary…O great Queen! who, in Your elevation to heaven, was accompanied by the entire heavenly hierarchy, grant that we may avoid the snares of our enemy, and that we may give access in our hearts to the aspirations of the Angel who continually watches over us and assists us.Hail Mary…O great Queen! who had the glory of being accompanied in Your Assumption by the souls Your merits had delivered from purgatory, obtain for us deliverance from the slavery of sin, and eternal praise in heaven.Hail Mary…Let us not cease to applaud the majestic triumph of Mary and the glory She has obtained in Her Assumption into heaven: let us unite our homage to the Powers, the sixth choir of Angels, and let us say:3 Hail Mary’s…Let Us Pray. We pray Thee, O Lord, to forgive the sins of Thy servants, so that, unable to please Thee by our actions, we may be saved by the intercession of the Mother of Thy Son Our Lord. Amen.
Consider that Mary is glorious in heaven, because She is constituted Queen of the universe, and there receives a continual tribute of praise and veneration from the innu-merable multitude of Angels and Saints of Paradise. Let us go respectfully to the foot of Her Majesty’s throne, and beseech Her, saying:O Queen, sovereign of the universe! who, by Thy incomparable merits, have been raised to such a high degree of glory in heaven, look upon our miseries with an eye of compassion, and lead us by the gentle influence of Your protection.Hail Mary…O Queen, sovereign of the universe! who continually receives the homage of the heavenly court, deign to be our advocate, we beseech You; let our prayers be offered to You with the respect due to Your greatness. Hail Mary…O Queen, sovereign of the universe! by the glory that befits You from Your eminent place in heaven, deign to admit us to the number of Your servants, and obtain for us the grace to faithfully keep the commandments of the Lord our God.Hail Mary…Let us share the delight of the Angels in seeing Mary elevated to such great glory; let us rejoice in recognizing Her as Queen of the universe, and let us say, with the Principalities, the seventh chorus of heavenly spirits:3 Hail Mary’s…Let Us Pray. We pray Thee, O Lord, to forgive the sins of Thy servants, so that, unable to please Thee by our actions, we may be saved by the intercession of the Mother of Thy Son Our Lord. Amen.
Let us consider Mary radiant with glory in heaven, by the royal diadem with which Her divine Son crowned Her, and by the profound knowledge She received of the highest and most hidden things, past, present and future. Full of vener-ation for the distinguished honor of this great Queen, let us turn to Her, saying:Incomparable Queen, who enjoys in heaven the glory of the precious diadem with which Your divine Son crowned You, make us partakers of Your rare virtues, so that we may be worthy to be crowned with You in paradise. Hail Mary…Incomparable Queen, who knows everything that happens on earth, deign to forgive us for the little esteem we have shown for Your glory; do not allow us ever to offend You by the freedom of our language and the disordered nature of our affections. Hail Mary…Incomparable Queen, who desires to see all men pure and without blemish, so that they may be worthy of God, obtain for us the forgiveness of our sins, and make our looks, our movements and our actions pleasing to His divine Majesty. Hail Mary…Let us purify our Hearts to praise Mary worthily, and, to the glory given to Her by the crown with which Her forehead is adorned, let us add the humble testimonies of our affection, saying, with the Archangels, the eighth choir of Angels:3 Hail Mary’s…Let Us Pray. We pray Thee, O Lord, to forgive the sins of Thy servants, so that, unable to please Thee by our actions, we may be saved by the intercession of the Mother of Thy Son Our Lord. Amen.
Let us consider how much glory Mary receives in heaven from the protection She grants to men, and the solicitude with which She provides for their needs; believing, with lively faith, that we have as our protector in heaven the Mother of our God, let us pray to Her with all our heart, saying:O Mary, our powerful protectress, who takes glory in being the advocate of men in heaven, deliver us from the infernal enemy, and place us in the hands of God, our Creator. Hail Mary…O Mary, our powerful protectress, who, as advocate of mankind in heaven, desires salvation for all, preserve us from despair at the sight of our sins and relapses.Hail Mary…O Mary, our powerful protectress, who, in order to exercise Your office, loves to be continually implored by men, obtain for us the spirit of true devotion, and make us invoke You at all times, but especially at the dreaded moment of death. Hail Mary…Let us celebrate, with all the honor of which we are capable, the glory of Mary, and, full of joy at having Her as our advocate in heaven, let us praise Her with the Angels, ninth angelic choir, saying:3 Hail Mary’s…Let Us Pray. We pray Thee, O Lord, to forgive the sins of Thy servants, so that, unable to please Thee by our actions, we may be saved by the intercession of the Mother of Thy Son Our Lord. Amen.
LetusconsiderthatMarywasgloriousatdeath,becauseShehadpre-paredtodiewell,throughanardentdesiretoseeGodandtobeunited withHerdivineSon,andthroughanunalterableperfectioninHerac-tions.SeeinghowfarwearefrompreparingfordeathasMarydid,let us thus pray to Her:OholyVirgin!whopreparedYourselfforaholydeath,by livingincontinualdesireforthebeatificvision,removefrom us vain desires for the perishable things of earth.Hail Mary…OholyVirgin!who,inpreparationforaholydeath,desired duringYourlifetouniteYourselftoJesusYourdivineSon, obtain for us the grace to remain faithful to Him until death.Hail Mary…OholyVirgin,whopreparedfordeathbyamassingan immensetreasureofvirtueandmerit,letusalways rememberthatgraceand virtuealonearecapableofleading us to salvation.Hail Mary…LetuscongratulateMaryonthediligencewithwhichShe preparedtodiewell,and,toexaltHerglory,letusunitewith theninechoirsofAngelswhoaccompaniedHerinHer Assumptionintoheaven,andsaywiththeSeraphim,first choir of Angels:3 Hail Mary’s…LetUsPray.WeprayThee,OLord,toforgivethesinsofThy servants,sothat,unabletopleaseTheebyouractions,we maybesavedbytheintercessionoftheMotherofThySon Our Lord. Amen.
LetusconsiderthegloryofMaryinhavingbeenconsoledatdeath,not onlybytheApostlesandSaints,butalsobyJesusChristHerdivine Son;contemplatingtheexcessofjoySheexperiencedinthatlastmo-ment for so many favors, let us recommend ourselves to Her, saying:OgloriousVirgin!whohadtheconsolationofdyinginthe presenceoftheApostlesandSaints,obtainforusthegrace ofbeingassisted,atourlasthour,byYouandbyourpatron saints.Hail Mary…GloriousVirginwho,atthemomentofdeath,wassustained bythepresenceofJesus,YourdivineSon,obtainforusthe graceofbeingnourishedbyHimas wereceiveHoly Viaticum at this last moment. Hail Mary…GloriousVirgin,whoentrustedYourspiritintothehandsof Jesus,obtainforusthegracetoabandonourselvestoHim unreservedlyduringlifeanddeath,sothatwemaynever think of anything but doing His most holy will. Hail Mary…LetusexaltthegloryofMary,whowasassistedindeathby theApostlesandbyJesus,HerSon;letusapplaudHer triumph, saying with the Cherubim, second choir of Angels:3 Hail Mary’s…LetUsPray.WeprayThee,OLord,toforgivethesinsofThy servants,sothat,unabletopleaseTheebyouractions,we maybesavedbytheintercessionoftheMotherofThySon Our Lord. Amen.
LetusconsiderthatMarywasglorioustodiebytheeffectofthepure loveofGod;ifwewanttohavealittleshareinthisdivinefire,letus turn to Her, saying: OMary,blessedVirgin,wholeftmortallifethroughthe violenceofGod’slove,askthatthisflameofdivinelovebe kindled in us, according to God’s good pleasure.Hail Mary…OMary!Blessed Virgin, whobydyingoflovetaughtus what ouraffectionforGodshouldbe,obtainforusthatwemay always remain united to Him in life and in death. Hail Mary…OMary!BlessedVirgin,who,byleavinglifethroughthe powerofpurelove,showedwithwhatfireYourheartwas ablaze,obtainforusatleastasparkofthatdivinefire which works in us a true repentance of our faults.Hail Mary…LetusexalttheinexpressiblegloryofMaryablazewith divinelove,andletussay,withtheThrones,thethirdchoir of Angels: 3 Hail Mary’s…LetUsPray.Wepray Thee,OLord,toforgivethesinsof Thy servants,sothat,unabletopleaseTheebyouractions,we maybesavedbytheintercessionoftheMotherofThySon Our Lord. Amen.
ConsiderthatafterMary’sdeath,Herbodywasglorious,becauseit wasadornedwithsplendorandholymajesty,becauseitgaveoffadi-vinefragrance,andworkedwonders.Atthesightofourmisery,letus turn to Her, and beseech Her, saying:OpureVirginwho,byYourvirginalpurity,meritedthatYour bodyshouldbesoresplendentafterdeath,obtainforusthe grace to drive away from us all impure thoughts. Hail Mary…Opure Virgin, whoby Yourrare virtuesmeritedthat Yourbody shouldexhaleafterYourdeathaheavenlyfragrance,grant that our life may edify our neighbor, and that we may never be a cause of scandal by our bad examples. Hail Mary…OpureVirgin,whosemortalremainsworkedwonders,obtain for us the healing of all our spiritual infirmities. Hail Mary…LetusrejoiceatthesightofMary’sgloryinHerholybody afterHerdeath;letusunitewiththeDominations,thefourth choir of Angels who exalt Her greatness, and let us say:3 Hail Mary’s…LetUsPray.WeprayThee,OLord,toforgivethesinsofThy servants,sothat,unabletopleaseTheebyouractions,we maybesavedbytheintercessionoftheMotherofThySon Our Lord. Amen.
LetusconsiderthatMarywasgloriousafterHerdeath,becauseHer sacredbodywasresurrectedbythevirtueoftheMostHigh,andwas immediatelyclothedwithclarity,subtlety,agilityandimpassibility: delighted to see Her in so much glory, let us invoke Her, saying:MostexaltedQueen,whomGodhassogloriously resurrected,bepropitioustous,obtainforusthatonthelast day we may be resurrected like You. Hail Mary…OmostexaltedQueen,whoseresurrectedbodywasglorified byclarityandsubtlety,asarewardforYourexemplaryand humblewayoflife,removefromusallcontemptuousways, all vainself-esteem,andlethumilityalonebetheornamentof our lives. Hail Mary…OmostexaltedQueen!whoseresurrectedbodywasglorified byagilityandimpassivity,asarewardforthefervorand patiencewhichdistinguishedYouonearth,askforusthe couragetomortifyourbodiesandpatientlyrepressour vicious inclinations.Hail Mary…LetusgiveMarythepraiseduetoHer;letusexalttheglory ShereceivedinHerresurrectedbody,andletussay,withthe Virtues, the fifth choir of Angels:3 Hail Mary’s…LetUsPray.WeprayThee,OLord,toforgivethesinsofThy servants,sothat,unabletopleaseTheebyouractions,we maybesavedbytheintercessionoftheMotherofThySon Our Lord. Amen.
ConsiderthatMarywasgloriouslyraisedtoheaven,accompaniedbya multitudeofheavenlyspiritsandholysoulsdeliveredfrompurgatory byHermerits.LetusapplaudthemajestyofHertriumph,andinvoke Her with humble prayers, saying:OgreatQueen!whowasraisedwithsuchmajestyinthe bosomofeternalpeace,removefromusallearthlythoughts, andmakeourheartsremainfirminthecontemplationofthe immutable goods of paradise.Hail Mary…OgreatQueen!who,inYourelevationtoheaven,was accompaniedbytheentireheavenlyhierarchy,grantthatwe mayavoidthesnaresofourenemy,andthatwemaygive accessinourheartstotheaspirationsoftheAngelwho continually watches over us and assists us.Hail Mary…OgreatQueen!whohadthegloryofbeingaccompaniedin Your Assumptionbythesouls Yourmeritshaddeliveredfrom purgatory,obtainforusdeliverancefromtheslaveryofsin, and eternal praise in heaven.Hail Mary…LetusnotceasetoapplaudthemajestictriumphofMary andthegloryShehasobtainedinHerAssumptioninto heaven:letusuniteourhomagetothePowers,thesixth choir of Angels, and let us say:3 Hail Mary’s…LetUsPray.WeprayThee,OLord,toforgivethesinsofThy servants,sothat,unabletopleaseTheebyouractions,we maybesavedbytheintercessionoftheMotherofThySon Our Lord. Amen.
LetusconsiderMaryradiantwithgloryinheaven,bytheroyaldiadem withwhichHerdivineSoncrownedHer,andbytheprofoundknowl-edgeShereceivedofthehighestandmosthiddenthings,past,present andfuture.Fullofvenerationforthedistinguishedhonorofthisgreat Queen, let us turn to Her, saying:IncomparableQueen,whoenjoysinheaventhegloryofthe preciousdiademwithwhichYourdivineSoncrownedYou, makeuspartakersofYourrarevirtues,sothatwemaybe worthy to be crowned with You in paradise. Hail Mary…IncomparableQueen, whoknowseverythingthathappenson earth,deigntoforgiveusforthelittleesteemwehaveshown forYourglory;donotallowusevertooffendYoubythe freedomofourlanguageandthedisorderednatureofour affections. Hail Mary…IncomparableQueen,whodesirestoseeallmenpureand withoutblemish,sothattheymaybeworthyofGod,obtain forustheforgivenessofoursins,andmakeourlooks,our movements and our actions pleasing to His divine Majesty. Hail Mary…LetuspurifyourHeartstopraiseMaryworthily,and,tothe glorygiventoHerbythecrownwithwhichHerforeheadis adorned,letusaddthehumbletestimoniesofouraffection, saying, with the Archangels, the eighth choir of Angels:3 Hail Mary’s…LetUsPray.WeprayThee,OLord,toforgivethesinsofThy servants,sothat,unabletopleaseTheebyouractions,we maybesavedbytheintercessionoftheMotherofThySon Our Lord. Amen.
ConsiderthatMaryisgloriousinheaven,becauseSheisconstituted Queenoftheuniverse,andtherereceivesacontinualtributeofpraise andvenerationfromtheinnumerablemultitudeofAngelsandSaints ofParadise.LetusgorespectfullytothefootofHerMajesty’sthrone, and beseech Her, saying:OQueen,sovereignoftheuniverse!who,byThy incomparablemerits,havebeenraisedtosuchahighdegree ofgloryinheaven,lookuponourmiserieswithaneyeof compassion,andleadusbythegentleinfluenceofYour protection.Hail Mary…OQueen,sovereignoftheuniverse!whocontinuallyreceives thehomageoftheheavenlycourt,deigntobeouradvocate, webeseechYou;letourprayersbeofferedtoYouwiththe respect due to Your greatness. Hail Mary…OQueen,sovereignoftheuniverse!bytheglorythatbefits YoufromYoureminentplaceinheaven,deigntoadmitusto thenumberofYourservants,andobtainforusthegraceto faithfully keep the commandments of the Lord our God.Hail Mary…Letussharethedelightofthe AngelsinseeingMaryelevated tosuchgreatglory;letusrejoiceinrecognizingHerasQueen oftheuniverse,andletussay,withthePrincipalities,the seventh chorus of heavenly spirits:3 Hail Mary’s…LetUsPray.WeprayThee,OLord,toforgivethesinsofThy servants,sothat,unabletopleaseTheebyouractions,we maybesavedbytheintercessionoftheMotherofThySon Our Lord. Amen.
LetusconsiderhowmuchgloryMaryreceivesinheavenfromthepro-tectionShegrantstomen,andthesolicitudewithwhichSheprovides fortheirneeds;believing,withlivelyfaith,thatwehaveasourprotec-torinheaventheMotherofourGod,letuspraytoHerwithallour heart, saying:OMary,ourpowerfulprotectress, whotakesgloryinbeingthe advocateofmeninheaven,deliverusfromtheinfernal enemy, and place us in the hands of God, our Creator. Hail Mary…OMary,ourpowerfulprotectress,who,asadvocateof mankindinheaven,desiressalvationforall,preserveusfrom despair at the sight of our sins and relapses.Hail Mary…OMary,ourpowerfulprotectress,who,inordertoexercise Youroffice,lovestobecontinuallyimploredbymen,obtain forusthespiritoftruedevotion,andmakeusinvoke Youatall times, but especially at the dreaded moment of death. Hail Mary…Letuscelebrate,withallthehonorofwhichwearecapable, thegloryofMary,and,fullofjoyathavingHerasour advocateinheaven,letuspraiseHerwiththeAngels,ninth angelic choir, saying:3 Hail Mary’s…LetUsPray.WeprayThee,OLord,toforgivethesinsofThy servants,sothat,unabletopleaseTheebyouractions,we maybesavedbytheintercessionoftheMotherofThySon Our Lord. Amen.