Novena to the Holy Child Jesus of Bethlehem

Inspired by the book Bethléem, ou l’École de l’Enfant-Jésus, (Bethlehem, or the School of the Child Jesus) by Msgr. Jean-Joseph Gaume
Day Two – December 17 The Eternal Word was great and made Himself a little Child. O sweet Jesus, Eternal Word made flesh, I give You thanks for hiding the greatness of Your Divinity beneath the appearance of a little Child. As the Prince of Peace, You come to effect the mediation between sinful man and an offended God. You make Yourself lit- tle to attract our hearts. You obey in order to atone. Fragile swaddling clothes imprison Your almighty power, to clearly show that it is by the power of Your obedience that You accomplish the salvation of the world. O my dear little Child, I want to imitate You and become a child in my turn, since it is on this condition alone that I can be pleasing to You and enter into Your Kingdom. Wrap up my rebellious will in the swaddling clothes of Your divine Will, for I am resolved to con- form my desires to Yours like a docile little child. By the merits of Your holy childhood, may Your holy Will henceforth be the rule of all my desires and all my actions. Amen. Invocation O divine Child Jesus, who for the salvation of the world wanted to be born in a stable, lying on straw in the manger, have mercy on me. Mary and Joseph, pray to the Child Jesus for me. Glory be to the Father…
Day Two – December 17 The Eternal Word was great and made Himself a little Child. O sweet Jesus, Eternal Word made flesh, I give You thanks for hiding the greatness of Your Divinity beneath the appearance of a little Child. As the Prince of Peace, You come to effect the mediation between sinful man and an offended God. You make Yourself little to attract our hearts. You obey in order to atone. Fragile swaddling clothes imprison Your almighty power, to clearly show that it is by the power of Your obedience that You accomplish the salvation of the world. O my dear little Child, I want to imitate You and become a child in my turn, since it is on this condition alone that I can be pleasing to You and enter into Your Kingdom. Wrap up my rebellious will in the swaddling clothes of Your divine Will, for I am resolved to conform my desires to Yours like a docile lit- tle child. By the merits of Your holy childhood, may Your holy Will henceforth be the rule of all my desires and all my actions. Amen. Invocation O divine Child Jesus, who for the salvation of the world wanted to be born in a stable, lying on straw in the manger, have mercy on me. Mary and Joseph, pray to the Child Jesus for me. Glory be to the Father…

Novena to the Holy Child Jesus of Bethlehem

Inspired by the book Bethléem, ou l’École de l’Enfant-Jésus, (Bethlehem, or the School of the Child Jesus) by Msgr. Jean-Joseph Gaume