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Message from the Virgin Mary
The Blessed Virgin Mary Addresses Her dear children who pray to Her with all their hearts:
“I thank you. Your prayer has gone up to Heaven. I thank you. Only if all My people did as you do, once again I tell you: heaven and earth would become one homeland of love.”
“My children, I count on you. I have all My trust in you. Do not forget this: remain faithful, remain humble, charitable and obedient.”
“I thank you for the hour of prayer you have offered Me. You have sacrificed an hour of your sleep. You will be rewarded for it eternally. My children, I was right there with you. I watched you and thanked you. My heart was filled with joy by your humble prayers, all of you united. Those who were truly weary made the sacrifice, and they will be rewarded eternally.”
“I thank you with all My heart. Through these prayers, you cannot know how much you are helping Me to convert sinners and to protect this ungrateful and guilty world.”
“My children, I thank you with all My heart for this humble hour of prayer that you have offered Me. I thank you with all My heart. How well I felt with you! I was close to you and My joy is so great that I will answer your calls…”