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To ask for the gifts of the Holy Spirit
O Jesus! who, before ascending into heaven, promised Your apostles and disciples that You would send them the Holy Spirit to comfort and strengthen them, deign to send this sanctifying Spirit also into us.
Come into us, Spirit of wisdom, who makes us know true happiness, and gives us the means to obtain it.
Come into us, Spirit of intelligence, who by Your divine light enables us to penetrate the truths and mysteries of our holy religion.
Come within us, Spirit of counsel, who helps us to discern, in difficult situations, what we must do to accomplish God’s will.
Come into us, Spirit of strength, and bind us to God and to our duties, so that nothing can ever detach us from them.
Come into us, Spirit of knowledge, who alone can give us perfect knowledge of God and of ourselves. I ask You for this divine and only necessary knowledge, with all the ardor of my soul; I will say to You unceasingly with Saint Augustine: “My God, may I know You, and may I know myself.”
Come into us, Spirit of piety, who makes us accomplish with joy and ease all that God commands us, and, by the unction of divine love, makes us find the yoke of the Lord truly sweet and light.
Come into us, Spirit of the fear of the Lord, who makes us avoid, with the greatest care, everything that may displease our heavenly Father.
Glory be to You, eternal Father, who, with Your only Son and the Holy Spirit, consoles us with Your love.