Watchword for 2024: Do violence to ourselves

I wish you holiness. I wish you to be like Jesus Christ…
Watchword for 2023: Patience

I wish for you this Christian virtue of patience.
Litany to Our Lady of Lourdes

In all our needs, let us implore our good Mother in Heaven, who every day works wonders of grace in the blessed place of Lourdes, where She manifests Her Love for us in a special way.
Prayer to the Holy Infant of Prague, by Rev. Fr. Cyrille of the Mother of God

“The more you honor Me, the more I will bless you!” – Promise of the Holy Child Jesus of Prague
Prayer for Victory Over Passions Through the Intercession of Mary Conceived Without Sin.

The Most Holy Virgin Mary, conceived without the stain of original sin, has an unlimited compassion for us, Her poor little children so small and weak, constantly subjected to the attacks of the devil who constantly seeks to lead us astray.
Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Most Sacred Heart of Mary for the conversion of sinners.

Jesus Christ, who suffered so much for the salvation of all men, hastens to answer the prayers we offer for the conversion of lost souls.
Prayer to the Blessed Virgin to ask for conformity to God’s Will

May our good Mother, so faithful in obeying God perfectly, give us the grace to conform our lives to the plan He has formed for us.
Memorare to the Holy Infant Jesus of Prague

“The more you honor Me, the more I will bless you!”
Prayer in affliction, to the Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague

“The more you honour Me, the more I will bless you!” – Promise of the Holy Infant Jesus of Prague
Litanies of the Holy Will of God

If it is important to know God’s will, it is especially so when we are dealing with something that has a more direct impact on eternal salvation, and particularly so when we are choosing a state of life, a choice that is bound to have the most happy or the most terrible consequences.
To prepare us for a good death

We are all on earth only in passing. One day we will die, and we will have to account for our lives to our Creator. Our eternity will be happy or unhappy, depending on whether or not we have realized the purpose of our life on earth, which is to love, know and serve God. The sincere repentance of our sins and the acceptance of God’s Will can atone for a lifetime of sins.