story0430-Sinless? – An exception!

Man being a weak creature of body and soul, no one can without lack of reason and common sense believe himself to be free from sin. Only the Mother of God was preserved from all stain by a special privilege. Every man is a sinner. Those who claim to be without fault are often the greatest sinners.
story0429-The appearance of a mother near the precipice.

Example of a devotion, based on the help of Saint Anthony, which is a striking proof of the intercession of the Saints for us.
story0428-Two children lead a priest to a dying man.

It is likely that the good Lord allowed the deceased children to come to the aid of their dying father. Through the communion of saints our deceased parents are our intercessors and helpers before God, especially when they are in heaven.
story0427-The prayer of the dying mother in prison.

The intercession of Christians for one another is so powerful that Saint James already exhorted Christians “to pray for one another in order to be saved” (James 5:16). It is above all the prayer of a mother for her child that God loves to answer.
story0426-Emperor Henry IV, Frederick Barbarossa, Frederick II, Philip the Fair.

The end of Judas and Herod, murderer of the Innocents, is also a frightening example of the unhappy end of all the persecutors of the Church.
story0425-Napoleon and Pius VII.

A Catholic who observes these marvelous events will be led to serious thoughts about the action of divine Providence for the protection of the Church, while an enemy of Catholicism will refuse to see in them anything but chance.
story0424-After Diocletian, Constantine.

The Church is like Peter’s boat on the lake of Gennesaret: a furious storm roars while the Lord seems to be sleeping, but suddenly He rises and commands the sea to calm down.
story0423-Napoleon’s altar.

By a solemn promise, Jesus Christ promised His Church victory over all its enemies: “Thou art Peter,” said the Savior to His first Vicar, “and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell (the devil) shall not prevail against it.”
story0422-Pius IX and the painter.

It is not Christian to refuse help to one’s neighbor because he is not of the same religion or nationality.
story0421-The Manichean and the Catholic hermit.

The Saints knew how to win the hearts of heretics and sinners by their charity. Harshness and intolerance would have produced the opposite effect. Our Lord would say to us, “Go and do likewise.” We must be tolerant of those who are not members of the Church; for though they are in error, they are our brothers.