story0410-The death of Saint Peter in Rome.

The greatest glory in this world is to be treated like Jesus Christ Himself. He gave His life for love of us; let us generously give Him ours to prove our love.
story0409-Saint Yves defends a hotel owner.

The Saints despised the earthly goods because they knew the value of the human soul and the price of eternity.
story0408-The selflessness of Windhorst (+ 1891).

The Saints despised the earthly goods because they knew the value of the human soul and the price of eternity.
story0407-How can I reward you?

The Saints despised the earthly goods because they knew the value of the human soul and the price of eternity.
story0406-Saint Catherine and the 50 scholars.

The Saints had the gift of wisdom; they recognized that the unalterable beauty of the soul is more valuable than the beauty of the body which withers in a short time.
story0405-The castle lady and the dying mason.

Many Christians have the life of the body but no longer possess that of the soul. They lack sanctifying grace, which alone produces and sustains the life of the soul.
story0404-The thief and the Blessed Sacrament.

The good Lord urges men inwardly to do good; but man does not obey God’s voice and that is why grace is not effective.
story0403-The Saints, faithful to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit.

The Saints were attentive to God and faithfully followed His inspirations.

The conviction that the prophecies of the Old Testament were fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ led Emmanuel Veit and many other Jews to Christianity.
story0401-Christ knocking at the door.

The world is astonished at such love. Nevertheless, it is nothing compared to the love that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has for us, for He did not suffer half the punishment, but the whole punishment. To show us His infinite love, He even suffered much more than was necessary to redeem us.