story0312-Virtue of almsgiving.

It is an excellent idea to unite to our prayers a costly act: the sacrifice of something dear to our hearts adds an irresistible weight to our supplication.
First Sunday of Lent

The devil carried Jesus to a very high mountain, and showing Him all the kingdoms of the world, he said to Him, “I will give You all these things, if You will worship and adore me.” Then Jesus said to him, “Get back! Satan; for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve.”
story0311-Saint Joseph, more powerful than men.

Saint Joseph is rightly called the advocate of desperate causes. He has all the power over the Heart of Jesus who refuses him nothing.
story0310-Saved from shipwreck.

If Saint Joseph listens to such a short prayer, what will he not do for those who honor and pray to him every day!
story0309-Protection at the hour of death.

This is how souls who have taken Saint Joseph as their patron and model live and die, full of serenity. Let us also be, during this month and always, the imitators of this great Saint.
story0308-Little Joseph protected by his patron Saint.

No prayer of our soul is lost. Heaven is attentive to the least of our sighs. Our earthly miseries are very small compared to the power of God’s Chosen Ones.
story0307-Saint Joseph inspires devotion to Mary.

The Saints of Heaven, our predecessors, are very sensitive to the slightest gesture of devotion on our part. They are never ungrateful and return it to us with profusion.
story0306-Edifying death of Count Joseph of Stolberg.

Saint Joseph died in the arms of Jesus and Mary. He never fails to assist his pious servants at the hour of death, the decisive hour that fixes our eternity.
story0305-Admirable protection of Saint Joseph.

The name of Joseph alone makes the demons of hell tremble. The protection of this great saint is a sure guarantee against the assaults of Satan.
story0304-Untalented students protected by Saint Joseph.

No problem is beyond the power of Saint Joseph. Alas! We too often forget to have recourse to him in our needs.