story0218-Two children jump out of the window.

How good it is to invoke the good angel before a race or any other undertaking!
story0217-Schoolchildren under the tree.

It was undoubtedly the good angel who had suggested to the priest the idea of planting his hyacinths to honor his father, and had thus preserved him from a certain death.
story0216-The death of a deaf and blind bishop.

The man who submits to the will of God is like a compass that always tends toward the pole, no matter how much it is shaken. In all sufferings he has only God in view and thus preserves inner peace.
story0215-The different crosses.

Let us be convinced of the truth of these words of St. Paul: “God will not allow you to be tempted above your strength.”
story0214-God, father and physician.

Suffering is a mark of divine favor. Those who are free from all sufferings are not among the beloved children of God.
story0213-The cross filled with ducats.

God uses it towards sinners like a father towards a disobedient child; He punishes them in order to make them docile, or like a surgeon who cuts and burns the ulcer to save the patient. By temporal suffering He seeks to rescue them from eternal death.
story0212-The torn necklace.

What sometimes seems to us a misfortune is often a great happiness, a blessing from divine providence.
story0211-The little bag of pearls.

Divine providence uses the most diverse means to save those who trust in it.
story0210-The two men in the lion’s den.

In the presence of such facts, we must cry out with David, “This has happened from the Lord and it is admirable in our eyes.”
story0209-King Matthias Corvin saved from poisoning.

The divine providence bursts out in these facts, and moreover one recognizes in them the truth of the proverb: “He who sets a trap for others often catches himself in it.”