story1109-Relief through conformity to the Will of God

Mother, these are all the tears you have shed for me in vain, the weight of which prevents me from moving forward.
story1108-Reward given to a child for his generosity

Peter Damian, having lost his father and mother at an early age, fell into the hands of one of his brothers, who treated him in the most inhuman manner…
Litanies in favor of the souls in Purgatory

For the relief and deliverance of souls in Purgatory.
Reflexion for the Feast of Christ the King

Who reigns over your heart? Jesus?… or the world?…
story1107-The pains of this world are nothing compared to the sufferings of Purgatory

While her body was being carried to the ground, the blessed man commanded his sister, in the name of Jesus Christ, to appear alive again. O wonder! at once the body moves, the head rises, the deceased is resurrected!
story1106-The sacred duty of the Suffrages

After a few days, he suddenly sees the deceased appear before his eyes, and he hears him say in a lamentable voice…
story1105-A heretic who became a Catholic because of the belief in Purgatory

A heretic had lost his beloved brother in the middle of a feast, and he kept remembering the sudden transition from feast to coffin.
story1104-A great sinner is saved by a soul in Purgatory

When evening came, he called his wife into a secluded study, locked the door, and, drawing a loaded pistol from his pocket, threatened to kill her instantly if she did not obey his every command.
story1103-Delivered from the flames of Purgatory by the Rosary

She added that she had come as an ambassador for the souls in purgatory, to beg the Saint to preach and extend the devotion of the Rosary, which brought them admirable relief every day.
story1102-A longer Purgatory for those who did not pray for the dead

A long time later, one night, while he was sleeping, it seemed to him that he saw her in the churchyard, sad, dressed in black, asking for his compassion…