To Saint Joseph to obtain a profound humility

Saint Joseph, the most privileged of men, was also the most humble of all. For this reason God could choose him and achieve great things in his soul.
Prayer to Saint Joseph to obtain a firm hope

Saint Joseph lived through many sufferings because he always kept the hope of heaven where he would one day be happy for Eternity with his divine Son Jesus.
To Saint Joseph to obtain devotion to Jesus Crucified

Saint Joseph did not witness the infinite sufferings of Jesus during His Passion and death on the Cross. But Saint Joseph knew that Jesus had come to earth to redeem men at the price of His Blood. All his life, Saint Joseph meditated on the future sufferings of his divine Son.
To Saint Joseph to obtain an ardent charity

Saint Joseph was a soul filled with love for Jesus and Mary. Let us ask him to obtain for us the grace of perfect charity.
Prayer of Leo XIII to Saint Joseph for the Needs of the Holy Church

Saint Joseph fulfilled his role as father, protector and provider of the Holy Family to perfection. All his attention was constantly focused on Jesus. The Church is the continuation of Christ on earth. Saint Joseph is therefore the Father, Patron, Protector of the Holy Church.
To ask Saint Joseph for the grace to never be separated from Jesus and Mary

Losing God’s grace is the greatest misfortune that can befall us. Let us ask St. Joseph for the grace to always live in the favor of Jesus and Mary.
Prayer to Saint Joseph guardian of virgins

Saint Joseph perfectly fulfilled his role as putative Father of the Child God and he watched over the Blessed Virgin Mary with such diligence. He is our great protector and his power does not disappoint those who confide in him.
Prayer to Saint Joseph the Worker

Saint Joseph is the Model and Protector of the worker who earns his bread by the sweat of his brow.
To Saint John the Baptist, Precursor of the Savior

John the Baptist’s mission was to announce the coming of the promised Savior to the earth and to prepare the people by preaching prayer and penance. Martyrdom sealed his life and won him immortal glory in Heaven.
Prayer to Saint Therese of the Child Jesus to learn to live with love like her

May Saint Therese, Champion of Love, draw us into her path of holiness.