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For the Preservation of the Deposit of the Faith!
For the Kingdom of God to come!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Let us prepare ourselves, through increased prayers and sacrifices, to celebrate in a Christian manner the beautiful feast of the Nativity of the Infant God.
The liturgy of Advent is particularly expressive and suitable for lifting our hearts to Heaven to earnestly implore the coming of God’s reign on our weary earth. Reading through the texts of the missal, one cannot help but be struck by these urgent and repeated calls to the Messiah, which we must make our own:
Come, Lord, do not delay any longer.
The Lord is near, come, let us adore Him.
Come, Lord, to save us.
Use Your power, Lord, and come.
O Adonai, Head of the house of Israel, come to redeem us by the power of Your arm.
O Rising Sun, splendor of the eternal Light, come and enlighten those who languish in darkness and in the shadow of death.
O King of the Nations and object of their desires, come and save the man You formed from the silt of the earth.
O Emmanuel, our King and Legislator, come and save us, O Lord our God.
Here is a hymn that we sing during Advent, which sums up admirably the benefits of the presence of Jesus:
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The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew
TEXT and AUDIO. Reading of the Passion of Jesus Christ in St. Matthew.
Without Jesus the earth is gloomy!
How can we live without Him?
But when He comes, He casts out the shadow.
And the sun shines.
Without Jesus the earth is empty!
It is a boundless desert.
But when He comes, the arid land
Recovers its beauty.
Without Jesus, it’s a horrible hell,
And the torments, the predicted tears
With Jesus nothing is painful,
It’s paradise!
Heaven, spread your dew!
May the weary earth
Savor the happiness of the elect.
Come, come, oh kind Jesus!
Make haste, O Lord, do not delay, bring us from above the strength of Your help, that Your coming may relieve and lift up those who trust in Your mercy.
May the celebration of the Nativity of the Savior make us “be reborn” ourselves, each year, by vivifying our soul ever more with the divine life that Jesus comes to give us.
Be assured, dear friends, of our prayers for your intentions. May our Redeemer fill you with His heavenly blessings and consolations during this holy time of Christmas and throughout the New Year!
The Apostles of Infinite Love