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The solution to every problem: The Holy Rosary

This way of praying is called Rosary, because the frequent repetition of the Hail Mary forms a crown of roses that we place on the head of Mary, our august Queen.
The complete Rosary is composed of three crowns. One crown consists of five decades of “Hail Mary’s”, each decade being preceded by one “Our Father”. Now, to recite a rosary fruitfully, we must:
- recollect ourselves for a moment and enter into the presence of God;
- determine the grace we intend to request through Mary;
- meditate on a mystery for each decade and arouse in our hearts the desire to acquire the virtue corresponding to each mystery.
The mysteries are divided into three classes: Joyful Mysteries, Sorrowful Mysteries and Glorious Mysteries.
In most of Her apparitions, especially at Lourdes and Fatima, Our Lady wore a rosary and insisted on the daily recitation of the rosary. In Her last apparition in Fatima, Our Lady called Herself “Our Lady of the Rosary.” On December 26, 1957, Sister Lucia of Fatima had a long conversation with Father Augustine Fuentes. She urged him to make known to everyone the message of the Blessed Virgin and the remedy that our good Mother offered to Her children on earth to cure them of all ills of soul and body: the daily recitation of the Rosary. “The two means for saving the world are prayer and sacrifice. So then, there is the Holy Rosary. Look, Father, in these latter times in which we live, the Blessed Virgin has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the Rosary. In such a way that there is no problem, however difficult it may be, be it temporal or above all spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, of our families – whether they be families living in the world or of religious communities – or in the life of peoples and nations. There is no problem, I repeat, there is no problem however difficult it may be, that we cannot solve through the prayer of the Holy Rosary. With the Holy Rosary we will save ourselves, we will sanctify ourselves, we will console Our Lord and obtain the salvation of many souls.”
The Mysteries of the Rosary
The 15 Mysteries of the Rosary
The Rosary is composed of three crowns; each crown consists of five decades. The Joyful Mysteries can be recited on MONDAY and THURSDAY; the Sorrowful Mysteries on TUESDAY and FRIDAY; the Glorious Mysteries on SUNDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY.
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Joyful Mysteries:
The Annunciation – Let us ask for the virtue of humility.
The Visitation – Let us ask for the virtue of charity.
The Birth of Jesus – Let us ask for the detachment from transient things.
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple – Let us ask for the virtue of obedience.
The Loss and Finding of Jesus in the Temple – Let us ask to seek God’s good pleasure in all our actions.
Sorrowful Mysteries:
The Agony of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane – Let us ask for perfect contrition of our sins.
The Scourging of Jesus – Let us ask for the virtue of mortification.
The Crowning with Thorns – Let us ask for the sacrifice of our judgment.
The Carrying of the Cross – Let us ask to carry the Cross with great love.
The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus – Let us ask for final perseverance, the conversion of sinners and the deliverance of souls from Purgatory.
Glorious Mysteries:
The Resurrection of Jesus – Let us ask for the virtue of faith.
The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven – Let us ask for a great desire for Heaven, our only Homeland.
The Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Blessed Virgin and the Apostles – Let us ask for the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit and fidelity to His inspirations.
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven – Let us ask for true devotion to such a good Mother.
The Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Heaven – Let us ask for perseverance in grace in order to be crowned one day in Heaven.
Methods to meditate on the Mysteries of the Rosary
Meditated by
Father John Gregory of the Trinity
From the Manual of Associates of the Perpetual Rosary
to Say it with Fruit – by saint Louis Mary de Montfort
Short Meditations with the Holy Gospel