Prayer to Saint Therese of the Child Jesus to obtain a shower of roses

Saint Therese is “the greatest Saint of modern times.” She has immense power over the Heart of God.
Prayer to Saint Therese of the Child Jesus to ask for a specific grace

“We obtain from our Lord as much as we hope for!” (Saint John of the Cross)
Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima to entrust all our needs to Her

Our Lady’s intervention at Fatima is that of a Mother, worried and distressed about the fate of Her children. She wants to save us at all costs. Let us turn to Her with an unshakeable faith and trust.
The Angelus

“Angelus” or prayer of the Angel. This prayer, which the Church recites three times a day, commemorates the mission of the Archangel Gabriel sent by God the Father to the Virgin Mary to announce the great news: God comes to become man and Mary is chosen to be His Mother!
Honorable tribute to the Heart of Jesus

Let us console the Heart of our Jesus, so outraged by ungrateful and sinful men.
Soul of Christ

Prayer of Saint Ignatius of Loyola
To Mary help of sinners

Prayer by Saint Alphonsus Liguori. Let us recite it with great fervor and contrition to obtain forgiveness for our sins.
To Mary Mother of Salvation

To obtain a particular grace: Recite this prayer 3 times each day. For an urgent request: Recite the prayer 9 times a day.
To Mary Mother of Mercy

Prayer by Saint Alphonsus Liguori, great devotee of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Surrender to the Will of God

This sublime prayer was composed by Madame Elisabeth of France (1764-1794), sister of King Louis XVI, in the Temple prison shortly before she was guillotined.