Prayer to Mary after Communion

A beautiful prayer of thanksgiving to our good Mother in Heaven.
To the Most Holy Trinity

Praise God the Father, God the Son, the Holy Spirit: one God in three Persons.
Adoration and Protest of Love

Let us often tell God, who loves us infinitely, that we want to love Him more and more.
Prayer of Thanksgiving

Let us recite with faith, sincerity and love this act of gratitude after Communion.
Act of Reparation for the Outrages committed against the Blessed Sacrament

Today more than ever, Jesus is neglected… scorned in His Sacrament of love. May He find in me a devoted friend, an attentive and delicate comforter.
Adoration of the Holy Face of Jesus

The day before the beginning of Lent is dedicated to the veneration of the Holy Face of our Savior, in reparation for the blasphemies, impiety, and sacrileges with which He is more than ever afflicted.
To comfort and console the Holy Face of Jesus

The day before the beginning of Lent is dedicated to the veneration of the Holy Face of our Savior, in reparation for the blasphemies, impiety, and sacrileges with which He is more than ever afflicted.
Act of Faith in the Love of God

Yes, I believe that You are my Father and I am Your child. I believe that You love me with an infinite love!
The ACTS -of faith-hope-charity

Traditional prayers of the Holy Church
Act of Contrition

The good Lord is always willing to forgive us, whatever our faults may be, provided we have a sincere contrition for our sins and a firm resolve not to offend Him any more.