story0420-Mary Stuart, Queen Martyr.

Those who faithfully keep the Catholic faith will be able to repeat these consoling words on their deathbed: “Lord, I have hoped in Thee, I shall not be confounded for eternity.”
story0419-Every soul who has recognized the truth of the Catholic Church is strictly obliged to enter it.

Jesus Christ said, “What does it profit a man to gain the universe, if he comes to lose his soul?”
story0418-The true Church is persecuted.

Jesus Christ often foretold to His disciples that they would be persecuted, for example, when He said to them, “The servant is not greater than the master; if they have persecuted Me they will also persecute you.” – A Church that lives in peace is therefore not the Church of Christ.
story0417-The religion of our forefathers.

There are many very good souls in the various churches. These people born in error are not guilty of it and are part of the soul of the Church. God, who sees the sincerity of hearts, renders to each one according to his works.
story0416-The false prince.

The true Church must go back to the times of the apostles, for Jesus Christ foretold that the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church, which is firmly established on the rock of Saint Peter. If the true Church had disappeared over the centuries, Jesus Christ would not have kept His promise, which is impossible.
story0415-Luther’s statement.

Luther’s character proves that the mark of “holiness” is lacking in the Protestant Church he founded.
story0414-One Faith.

According to this doctrine of Luther man may indulge in the most infamous crimes, he comes no less to heaven, as long as he believes. Such principles are a carte blanche for all vices: clear proof that Luther’s doctrine is not holy and that the character of holiness is lacking in the church he founded.
story0413-Free examination.

The truth is one. A cat can be all black or all white. It is impossible for it to be all black and all white at the same time! If two people are arguing, each one asserting the opposite, it is certain that one of them is mistaken. She could be blind and mistaken in good faith, but she is still wrong!
story0412-The Sacraments among the Protestants.

A religion that admits unlimited freedom in the exegesis of the Bible and recognizes contradictory doctrines cannot be the true religion. The true Church of Christ is one in all places and at all times, for the truth is one, therefore the only true Church is the one that preaches the same doctrines everywhere and always.
story0411-Pius VII and the tailor.

As the branches and twigs of the tree are intimately linked to the trunk and cannot subsist without it, so it is with the clergy with regard to the Holy See.