story0228-God takes care of man.

Every Christian should often meditate on the Incarnation of the Son of God, because God’s goodness and mercy are so vividly revealed there.
story0227-The Arian emperor and the crown prince.

The tyrant wanted, by tearing out the tongue of these martyrs, to prevent them from confessing the divinity of Jesus Christ. This miracle proves that Our Lord is God and Arius a heretic.
story0226-King Codrus.

Let us often repeat the beautiful words, “Lord Jesus, I firmly believe that You are truly the Son of God.”
story0225-Saint Margaret testifies to the divinity of Jesus Christ.

Did the “carpenter of Sardam” cease to be emperor of Russia for a moment? Not in the least. Thus Jesus Christ did not cease for a moment to be God, even though He had become man and was known only as “the carpenter’s son”.
story0224-Esther before Ahasuerus.

Esther is an image of the Blessed Virgin. Through Adam’s disobedience all men are doomed to death and are born with original sin. Mary alone, the Queen of heaven, is an exception; by the grace of God the Blessed Virgin is exempt from original sin. Hence the feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8. And since death and its consequences are the consequence of sin, it was right that Mary should rise again, like Her divine Son, before Her body was affected by the corruption of the tomb. That is why Her Assumption is celebrated on August 15.
story0223-The lumberjack in Heaven.

Our first parents lost their supernatural privileges, that’s why we don’t have them anymore. Moreover, they were weakened in soul and body: they passed on this weakness to us. What is incomprehensible to us is that we also inherit their sin: this is an impenetrable mystery of our faith.
story0222-A student appears to his father.

Many apparitions prove the immortality of the soul.
story0221-Saint Anthony of Padua appears to his master.

Several Saints and persons have had apparitions that prove the immortality of the soul.
story0220-No soul, no reason.

Man’s greatest privilege is to possess a soul that resembles the Godhead and through which he can know and love God.
story0219-An intelligent man’s judgment on Darwinism.

A man who lives like an animal finds no difficulty in admitting that he derives his origin from some antediluvian monster.