story0208-The chicken or the egg.

Was the egg before the hen or the hen before the egg?
story0207-Capture of Constantinople by the Turks.

Terrible punishment of a nation for denying the dogma concerning the Holy Spirit.
story0206-Saint Augustine and the child.

The Trinity is the mystery of one God in three Persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
story0205-The reconstruction of the temple under Julian the Apostate.

Man can lie and deceive himself. He never deceives God.
story0204-The ruin of Jerusalem.

At the last judgment, God will treat us as we have treated our neighbor.
story0203-Salome and the head of Saint John the Baptist.

This tragic end proves the truth of the proverb: “One is punished by where one has sinned.” Punishment is, in a sense, a photograph of the crime.
story0202-A twelve-hour wait.

God will deal with us in the same way. Those who have been merciless to others will languish in purgatory for a long time.
story0201-Five kilos of butter.

God will behave towards us like this peasant at the last judgment; for Jesus Christ said, “The same measure will be used for you as you used for others.” (S. Luke 6, 38)
4th Sunday after Epiphany

The disciples came to Jesus, and awaked Him, saying: Lord! save us, we perish. And Jesus said to them: Why are you fearful, O ye of little faith?…
story0131-A decision of the Roman Senate.

There is no fault so great, that God is not willing to forgive it to the contrite sinner. For the worst crime cannot exceed the infinite mercy of God.