story0111-The wise Poles.

One should not change religion for human reasons.
story0110-An uncle from America who pretends to be destitute.

If here on earth, where Christ does not show Himself in His glory, we blush to belong to Him and His Church, He will send us away empty-handed on the day of judgment.
story0109-It is impossible not to believe in anything!

Often the courage of faith is at first met with mockery or trouble, but sooner or later it wins the esteem and respect of even the most ill-intentioned.
story0108-Two ladies of the court of the empress of Japan.

We must not argue for long with those who mock us because of our religion.
story0107-The Angelus at the beginning of a theatrical performance.

He who in due course professes his faith without human respect resembles a valiant warrior: this one is decorated, but this one will receive from God an infinite reward.
story0106-Christian in secret.

Jesus Christ says in the Gospel: “Whoever acknowledges Me before men, I will also acknowledge him before My Father in Heaven; but whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My heavenly Father.”
story0105-The unbeliever and the bottle of wine.

The principle of the unbeliever: I do not believe, what I do not see, is so absurd that people who have never been to Rome, Paris, London, would be entitled to dispute the existence of these cities.
story0104-God gives the grace of faith to those who ask for it through prayer.

Admirable conduct of a man who sacrifices an important position for the love of truth.
story0103-God enlightens every man coming into this world

God gives the grace of faith to those who sincerely seek the truth.
story0102-God gives the grace of faith to the one who lives piously

God never fails to enlighten the soul that practices good and sincerely seeks the truth.