story1217-Religious scholars.

Little science leads away from God, true science brings back to it.
story1216-A fiancée of character.

Unbelief generally has its source in the corruption of morals.
story1215-The irreligious banker.

People without religion cannot be relied upon.
story1214-The hotelier and the receipt.

People without faith are too often people without conscience.
story1213-Voltaire and his lackeys.

“If I were a prince, I would not tolerate atheist courtiers near me…”
story1212-Two workers without supervision.

Religion makes man conscientious and turns him away from crime.
story1211-The martyrs of Compiègne.

A clear proof of the heroism that religion inspires in the face of death!
story1210-The unfortunate wife of a socialist.

The unbeliever is like a shipwrecked person without hope.
story1209-A missionary and the globe.

Religion gives man courage and energy, especially in misfortune and at the moment of death.
story1208-A sparrow in an illuminated banquet hall.

Religion is a divine light for our intelligence which enlightens it on the most important questions of life.