story1025-The Hail Mary leads infallibly to Jesus Christ

A heretic girl, having discovered the Hail Mary, thus finds true Faith.
story1024-Devotion to the Blessed Virgin frees us from worldly frivolities

If we want to join our good Mother in Heaven, we must detach ourselves from the world.
story1023-How the Blessed Virgin pays for the services rendered

The Blessed Virgin is so good that She rewards even the services that one renders to Her without devotion.
story1022-The most beautiful heritage

The Blessed Virgin never forgets any of Her children who have shown the least devotion to Her.
story1021-The pagan children’s rosary

A child and his rosary transform a tribe of idolaters.
story1020-What the touch of the rosary can do.

A great criminal is converted by the mere touch of a rosary.
story1019-Great esteem of the Saints for the Rosary

The Saints performed wonders through the power of the rosary.
story1018-When Our Lady of the Rosary intervenes…
Miraculous healing by Our Lady of the Rosary.
story1017-How to Find Faith

An atheist discovers true Faith through the rosary.
story1016-The irresistible power of the Rosary

An old sinner recovers his faith through the rosary.