story1007-The Rosary is the most powerful rescue in times of danger

Example of the power of the Rosary in the American Far West.
story1006-The Rosary, a cure for all ailments.

A king and a queen are healed and converted by the Rosary.
story1005-Infallible power of the Holy Rosary

Pirates seize Saint Dominic and take him prisoner. He converts his attackers.
story1004-Heaven confirms the devotion of the Rosary.

A whole crowd witnesses the wonders performed by Heaven in favor of the Rosary.
story1003-Saint Dominic and the possessed Albigensian

The demons are forced to reveal a great truth.
story1002-The Rosary, Heaven’s gift to earth

Three queens appear with their retinue to Saint Dominic…
story1001-The Living Rosary

The Living Rosary strengthens the union of souls and attracts many graces on those who form it.
story0930-The sinner converted by a vision.

Benoîte saw herself in hell where she heard the screams of those whose loss she had caused.
story0929-The two friends.

“Richard,” said his friend, “don’t you recognize me? – Why,” replied Richard, “it’s you! Is this a joke you want to play on me again?”
story0928-The vocation obtained by the august Mary.

One day, therefore, when he had resolved to attend an all-worldly party, his eyes chanced to fall upon an old book, the first page of which presented him with the powerful prayer composed by St. Bernard: “Remember Thou, O most pious Virgin Mary.”