The Love of the Heart of Jesus fulfills all our needs

Let us go to the Heart of Jesus, we will find there an abyss of life where we will draw a new life of grace and love.
Novena to the Holy Spirit

O Holy Spirit, Soul of my soul. I adore Thee! Enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me, console me! Tell me what I must do…
Second Sunday after Pentecost

The father of the family said to his servant, “Go quickly through the squares and streets of the city and bring here the poor and the crippled, the blind and the lame.”
Invitation to celebrate properly the Month of the Sacred Heart

Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, by saint Alphonsus Liguori
story0630-The value of frequent attendance at Holy Mass

The greatest action we can do on earth…
story0629-Two neighbors

A happy housewife and an unhappy worldly woman
story0628-Story of two pages

A wicked servant falls into his own trap.
story0627-Great orator and humble Christian

An illustrious benefactor of the Irish people, Daniel O’Connell was above all a devout and humble Christian.
story0626-Saved from suicide

A man obsessed with suicide is saved by attending Holy Mass.