For the preservation of the Deposit of Faith.

For the Kingdom of God to come!


The Order of the Magnificat of the Mother of God has a special purpose the preservation of the Deposit of Faith through religious education in all its forms. God has established it as a bulwark against the almost general apostasy which has invaded Christendom and in particular the Roman Church.

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Notre Dame du Laus

Prayers of the Rosary (continued) – Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father; O my Jesus...

The Our Father or Lord’s Prayer, which the Son of God and God Himself drew from the bosom of the Father, from the center of all truth, is the most beautiful, the most complete, the most touching prayer we can make; it contains all that we can ask and desire. If, when we recite this sublime prayer, we do not alter its divine merit in any way; if it passes purely through our lips, having reached the throne of God, it is listened to favorably because of the respect which is due to its Author; its celestial origin is immediately recognized, and the Angels alone can say with what eagerness the love of the Father fulfills the recommendation of the Son.

The Hail Mary, which is called the Angelical Salutation, is the most beautiful prayer we can offer to Mary; we remind Her of Her greatness, Her virtues, Her perfections, Her power in Heaven and on earth. As pleasing to Mary as it is beneficial to Her children, the Angelical Salutation is for them a precious source of graces and blessings. Saint Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit as soon as Mary greeted her. The Blessed Virgin applies the graces of the Incarnation to those who remind Her of this mystery and congratulate Her on Her happiness.

The Gloria Patri, which ends each decade, is a prayer which comes to us from the Apostles; the Church makes its ministers repeat it more than a hundred times each day, and it cannot be repeated too often, to give at all times, if it were possible as we will do in eternity, Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. St. Mary Magdalene of Pazzi always accompanied this doxology with an offering of herself to the Most Holy Trinity; she then bowed her head, as if she were presenting it to the sword of the executioners, to be a martyr for the Christian faith. Whenever, in his old age, St. Alphonsus Mary of Liguori heard of some happy news for the glory of God or the benefit of the Church, he would cry out with holy emotion: Gloria Patri et Filio, et Spiritui sancto.

The decade ends with the beautiful prayer taught by Our Lady to the three little shepherds of Fatima, in which we ask forgiveness, mercy and salvation for ourselves and for all sinners. O my Jesus, forgive us our sins… The Blessed Virgin Mary specified that it be recited after each decade.

(Father Huguet)

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Sign of the Cross

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, and of the Mother of God. Amen.

Preparatory Prayer

O Jesus! We are going to walk with You on the road to Calvary which was so painful for You. Make us understand the greatness of Your sufferings, touch our hearts with tender compassion at the sight of Your torments, in order to increase in us the regret of our faults and the love we wish to have for You.
Deign to apply to all of us the infinite merits of Your Passion, and in memory of Your sorrows, show mercy to the souls in Purgatory, especially to those who are most abandoned.
O Divine Mary, who first taught us to make the Way of the Cross, obtain for us the grace to follow Jesus with the sentiments Your Heart was filled with as You accompanied Him on the road to Calvary. Grant that we may weep with You, and that we may love Your divine Son as You do. We ask this in the name of His adorable Heart. Amen.