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Jesus, Mary, Joseph!
I give you my heart, my spirit and my life!
Litanies are, in the Catholic tradition, repeated and chanted invocations of requests addressed to God, the Virgin Mary or the Saints. This type of prayer was in use among the Jewish people at the time of Jesus. Saint Paul in his letter to Timothy recommends liturgical prayer in the form of “supplications”. We find litany prayers in the oldest traditions of the Church which used them for example, during public processions, to ask for the cessation of a plague or to thank Heaven for a miraculous intervention.
The Litanies are strongly recommended for times of calamity. So often in the history of humanity, the Litanies have obtained miraculous help from God.
The Litanies are also part of certain solemn liturgical ceremonies of the Catholic Church. Thus the “Litanies of the Saints” are sung at the Easter Vigil, at baptism ceremonies, at priestly or episcopal ordinations and at All Saints’ Day.
Litany of Reparation
To atone for the offenses that our Savior receives every day in His Blessed Sacrament.
Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Let us pray this litany to console the Heart of Jesus who "loved men so much... and in return is so little loved."
Litany in honor of the Eternal Father
Composed at the request of Saint Margaret d’Youville
Litany of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary
This Litany, also called "of Loreto" are the earliest and most official in the Church. By singing the praises of Mary, Mother of God, we dispose Her to obtain for us all the graces necessary for our soul.
Litany of the Love of Mary
Let us say, in the form of prayers, all the reasons why we love our good Mother.
Litany of Our Lady of La Salette
In reparation for our sins and those of the whole world. To ask for mercy and forgiveness.
Litany of Our Lady of Fatima
To thank the Virgin Mary for the message She gave us in 1917 at Fatima.
Litany of Our Lady of Lourdes
In all our needs, let us implore our good Mother in Heaven, who every day works wonders of grace in the blessed place of Lourdes, where She manifests Her Love for us in a special way.
Litany of the Immaculate Conception of Mary
In praise of God whose most beautiful masterpiece is the creation of the Immaculate Virgin Mary.
Litany of Saint Joseph
To ask Saint Joseph, foster father of Jesus, spouse of the Virgin Mary, protector of the Holy Church and of Christian families, for his favor and all necessary graces.
Litany of Saint Michael the Archangel
To ask for the intercession and protection of Saint Michael, the most powerful of the Angels.
Litany of the Holy Angels
Let us ask the Holy Angels to protect and guide us on the path to Heaven, our destiny.
Litany in favor of the souls in Purgatory
Let us pray for the relief of so many souls who are waiting for our help to finally ascend to Heaven.
Litany of Humility
Let us ask for humility, the source and root of all virtues, without which we cannot be pleasing to God.