Prayer for peace

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God”, says Jesus. Let us ask to be instruments of God’s peace.
Prayer for our family

It is a praiseworthy practice for Christian parents to recite this prayer together in front of a picture of the Holy Family.
Oh Lord Raise Up Saints

To hasten the hour of salvation for the Church and the world, let us beg God to raise up Saints!
Evening Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

To ask our good Mother in Heaven to watch over our sleep.
Prayer of Humility taught by Jesus

Prayer taught by Jesus to Sister Benigna-Consolata, a Visitandine nun
Prayer of the spouses and parents

Beautiful prayer that asks for all the necessary graces for the family.
Prayer of Reparation to the Holy Face

The day before the beginning of Lent is dedicated to venerate the Holy Face of our Saviour, in reparation for the blasphemies, impiety and sacrileges from which He is more than ever afflicted.
Prayer for Generosity

This prayer is attributed to Saint Ignatius of Loyola. It reflects a soul full of love and magnanimity.
To obtain the twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit

Prayer by Father Ernest Manise, CSSR
Prayers before and after the meals

God, our Creator, is always providing for all our needs. It is right to pray to Him before and after the meal, to thank Him for His blessings and to ask Him to bless all our brothers on earth.