story0130-The glow-worm and the calendar.

Let us never forget that God created our hearts to love Him. That is why nothing on earth can make Him perfectly happy.
story0129-The birds and the sheep.

The most wonderful discoveries of men cannot be compared with the simplest creature of God. Besides, man with all his proud pretension, creates nothing, he can only discover and exploit.
story0128-The acorn and the pumpkin.

God has wisely ordered all the beings of creation: the immense bodies of the stars and down to the infinitely small beings.
story0127-A traveler prevented from leaving for America.

God often sends us minor misfortunes to spare us greater ones. Let us think about this in our misfortune.
story0126-Consolation for the loss of a favorite son.

God always acts for our greatest good. Everything He does, He does through His Love.
story0125-A thief in an orchard.

The remembrance of God’s presence turns us away from sin, keeps us from offending Him and spares us His punishments.
story0124-The king and the philosopher.

The memory of God’s presence makes man fearless.
story0123-The sudden death of an atheist in Baltimore.

In the midst of danger, there are no more atheists.
story0122-Air, its gravity; heat; gravitation.

Atheists are like animals without intelligence. The atheist is basically worse than the brute, for the latter sometimes clings to his master, while the atheist denies his.
story0121-The proof of the existence of God in the gusset.

From the harmony of the human body and all of nature, we must conclude to a supreme Creator.