story1207-The different luminous bodies.

Religion enlightens our intelligence, because it gives precise answers to all the problems of life.
story1206-The Countess du Châtelet at her deathbed and Voltaire.

“If against a million probabilities in favor of atheism there is only one in favor of hell, reason demands that I act as if hell really existed.”
story1205-A wise king.

He gave generously to some of his subjects and learned from them the fate that was reserved for him.
story1204-Diogenes and the three sesterces.

“Wisdom is sold here.”
story1203-St. Francis of Assisi and the mason

“But why do you work so hard? – But to earn money…”
story1202-And then?…

“Then? I will have to die. – And then?”
story1201-Saint Hubert discovers the reason for his existence

Hubert, how long will you continue to chase game and use your time so badly?
25th and Last Sunday after Pentecost

So you also, when you shall see all these things, know ye that it is nigh even at the doors.
24th Sunday after Pentecost

It is the least indeed of all seeds; but, when it is grown up, it is greater than all herbs, and becomes a tree.
story1130-The forgiveness of an offense relieves suffering souls

The stranger immediately drew his sword, ran at the unfortunate child, struck him, plunged his sword into his chest and threw him lifeless to the ground.