story1119-How the souls in Purgatory pay those who do them good

Stunned, trembling, he had not dare to move, when he saw the spectre returning…
story1118-Power of a monk’s prayer

The benefactor remained astonished. “It is very little, he thought: what! for such a large sum, a single Requiescat!”
story1117-Heroic Forgiveness

“In this vast empire shall any man think to pray for the soul of this poor man?”
story1116-Forgiveness, a powerful means of relieving souls

To facilitate the means of escape, the widow sent him money, and the very horse of her son, whom he had so cruelly murdered.
story1115-The weight of Indulgences

“Here is a scale: write on paper your ten days and put this writing in one of the trays: I place on the other a silver coin.”
story1114-Our duty towards the souls who precede us into eternity

“When I am gone, pray for my soul, do not forget the one who loved you so much.”
story1113-One never forgets the good principles received in childhood

“Poor mother, she will always be unfortunate to have had you for a son!”
history1112-God does not let Himself be outdone in generosity

“All the souls you have relieved will come by My command and bring you into heavenly Jerusalem in the midst of their songs.”
story1111-The souls in Purgatory have the power to obtain favors for us

After vain efforts, it came to her the thought to interest the souls of the purgatory in the salvation of this hardened moribund…
story1110-In Eternity, God treats us as He was treated during life

Suddenly her guardian angel appeared to her, took her by the hand and led her in spirit to Purgatory.