story0814-The prisoner answered by Mary

A schoolmaster who, after having led the most abominable life, was brought before the courts and condemned to prison and to bread and water for the rest of his life.
story0813-The soldier, the Blessed Virgin and the orphan

After a year, he came to see his dear child… The superior said to him: “Take him back, he is spoiling the whole house; he has not responded to your views!…”
story0812-Virtue of the litanies of the Blessed Virgin

Curious, they entered the sanctuary. One choir sang: “Holy Mary, pray for us”; the other choir answered: “Holy Mother of God, intercede for us”.
story0811-The Blessed Virgin Mary keeps a son for his father.

It seemed to him that he heard a mysterious voice saying, “Change places.” He took two steps forward, immediately a shell fell, exploded, and tore to shreds the body of the soldier who had replaced him…
story0810-A soldier’s unshakable confidence.

All I could see were flaming bombs, cannonballs, and projectiles that darkened the sky. Death was mercilessly reaping its victims. For me, my thoughts were entirely in Heaven and in Mary.
Novena to Our Lady of the Assumption

Novena to Our Lady of the Assumption by St. Alphonsus Liguori.
story0809-Mary’s promises justified

These distressing thoughts increased in violence from moment to moment; the Saint was overwhelmed by them, when his good Mother presented herself to him. “Bernard, what are you afraid of?”
story0808-Madame Rivier’s recourse to Mary

Still a small child when she already loved to spend whole hours at the feet of her Patroness.
story0807-The devil painted from life

The pious painter had represented at the feet of the powerful Virgin Mary, the hideous image of Satan, whose head She was crushing.
story0806-The last wish of a pious mother

At this moment, my eyes stopped on a painting of the Blessed Virgin. “What? I said to him, such a picture in your house?