story0726-Temptations do not defile souls who love God

“Where were You, O my divine Spouse, she said, when I saw myself in such a terrible situation? – I was with you, answered Our Lord.”
story0725-One must want good with patience

We must not pretend to do everything at once, in a hurry, nor think that everything is lost if we do not become perfect all at once.
story0724-A beautiful example

A doctor who passed by noticed this, and said to her: «You are crying: what cause of grief do you have? Has someone perhaps said or done something to make you sad?
story0723-We must forgive to be true children of God

Picking up a stone, he threw it with all his might in the face of the Saint, and disappeared.
story0722-How the Saints take revenge

John, defending his assailant, had great difficulty in freeing him.
story0721-The “greatest” miracle of Jesus Christ

He was enduring them without saying a word, when one of the most insolent of this rabble, approaching him, challenged him thus: “Tell us then, Christian, what miracles did Jesus Christ perform?”
story0720-Love of contempt in Saint John of God

One day, saint John of God was passing through a courtyard near a fountain, when a young servant pushed him so hard that he knocked him into the water…
story0719-Surrendering to God our Father

Unburden your mind of all that grieves you; God will take care of it. You cannot be overly concerned without upsetting, so to speak, the Heart of God, because He sees that you do not honor Him enough with holy trust. Trust in Him, I beg you, and you will have the fulfillment of what your heart desires.
story0718-Heroic Patience of Saint John of God

The gentleman, stung to the core to hear himself treated so familiarly by a wretched stranger, could no longer contain himself and gave him a blow. “Ah, I deserved it, said John, and you may give me a second one.”
story0717-We must hope against reason and against all hope.

Saint Vincent de Paul liked to give often, as an example of perfect trust, that of Abraham to whom God asked to sacrifice his only son whom he cherished above all else.