story0716-The loving zeal of a good shepherd.

Soon the young man forgot the maxims of Christianity, and by dint of accumulating crime after crime, stifled all remorse. He even became the leader of a gang of thieves, and proved to be the most determined and cruel of the group.
story0715-The good fruits of temptations

God will not only never allow us to be tempted beyond our strength, but will also give us the grace to acquire new merits, and thus multiply our reward in heaven.
story0714-A beautiful lesson from a beggar to a doctor-Taulere

The Doctor, almost angrily, said to him, “I think, my poor boy, that the violence of the evils you suffer is clouding your mind; have I not explained myself well? In a word, I say to you that I pray to God to give you all that you would know how to desire in the world.”
story0713-Sign of true holiness

The Saint ordered this monk to fetch some water; as soon as he had brought some, the Saint said to him, “Sit down, this is to wash your feet.”
story0712-Prayer is indispensable to correct one’s faults

To the precepts of the Gospel, to the exhortations of the Church, to the complaints of our conscience, how often do we answer with the words of the failing will which despairs of itself: “I cannot!”
story0711-A drastic way to correct the sins of the tongue

Saint Agathon keeps a stone in his mouth for three years to prevent him from speaking indiscriminately.
story0710-Heroism of a poor slave

Amazed by this extraordinary attachment that Tom had for his subordinate, the master wanted to know the reason. One day he asked him: “Is this your father? – No, master, he is not my father. – Is this an older brother of yours? – No, he is not my brother.”
histoire0709-Forgiveness in the heart of the Saints

Having fired several pistol shots at the windows of the bishop’s palace, this frenzied man went so far as to fire one at the Saint himself, one day when he met him in a city street; the bishop was not wounded, but the priest who accompanied him was…
story0708-Gold of patience

A king held two of his subjects in prison, each of whom owed him a large sum of money. When he saw that they were unable to pay their debts because they had nothing, he went to the prison and threw a purse full of gold at the head of each of them…
story0707-Don’t talk badly about yourself

Abbot Serapion was visited by a monk who, at every word, called himself a sinner and unworthy of the religious habit he wore…