We adore Thee o Jesus by saint Francis of Assisi

With this prayer, attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi, let us unite in spirit with Jesus in the Host Who sacrifices Himself at every Mass celebrated by a priest, and let us say to Him with all our heart:
The Lords Prayer – Our Father who art in Heaven

When the Apostles asked Jesus to teach them how to pray, Jesus replied, “When you pray, you shall say…” And He taught them the “Our Father”.
The Memorare – Remember O most gracious Virgin Mary

This powerful prayer to the Virgin Mary was composed by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux in the 12th century. The Virgin Mary never abandons those who have recourse to Her protection.
Praise be to Mary by saint Augustine

Let us unite ourselves with the great Saint Augustine in his song of praise and love addressed to his Mother and Queen.
The Magnificat

After receiving the compliments of Her cousin Elizabeth, the Virgin Mary returns all the glory to God through this song, which expresses Her humility and gratitude.
The Angelical Salutation – Hail Mary

When the moment came in which God chose to become man, God the Father sent His messenger, the Archangel Gabriel, to the Virgin Mary to tell Her She was chosen to be the Mother of God. The words of this prayer come in part from Gabriel’s message to Mary and the greetings adressed to the Virgin Mary by Her cousin Elizabeth.
Jesus love me well always

God’s Love for us is essentially a gratuitous love, a merciful love, an infinite, unconditional love. He has more happiness in loving us than we have in being loved by Him!…
Exorcism against Satan and the rebellious angels

This prayer, composed to put the devil to flight, may preserve family and society from great evils, especially if it is said with fervor, even by lay people. Its use is recommended whenever action of the devil is suspected, causing malice in men, violent temptations and even storms and various calamities.
De profundis-Out of the depths

It is the duty of every Christian to offer prayers and suffrages for the eternal rest of the souls of those who have died.
Credo-The Apostles Creed-I believe in God

The Apostles’ Creed summarizes the dogmas of the Catholic faith. According to Tradition, each of the first 12 Apostles composed a verse.