sewing, embroidery, textile arts, laundry...
Work by the Apostles of Infinite Love, Werk der Apostel der unendlichen Liebe

“God wants us to do things right with as much application as possible. But what the good Lord asks of us here above all else is His work. He wants to re-establish His Kingdom on earth. He wants the Gospel to be taught anew through His apostles.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)

Work by the Apostles of Infinite Love, Werk der Apostel der unendlichen Liebe

“The good Lord can solve all our most difficult problems. He can resolve them through His almighty power by means of our prayer.  We need grace to be faithful. God can give it to us, but we must ask for it.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)

Work by the Apostles of Infinite Love, Werk der Apostel der unendlichen Liebe

“We get prayer requests: 'for a domestic dispute, for a job, for my children...' We pray for all sorts of temporal reasons, for earthly interests. Who asks God for the grace to do His Will? 'My God, give me the courage to do what You want me to do.'” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)

Work by the Apostles of Infinite Love, Werk der Apostel der unendlichen Liebe

“God expects us to pray fervently, vehemently, a prayer that makes violence to Heaven. The Saints were of those ardent souls who desired much. They pleaded earnestly to God and that's how they obtained His gifts.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)

Work by the Apostles of Infinite Love, Werk der Apostel der unendlichen Liebe

“Our life must be a constant prayer. In prayer we find consolation, appeasement, relief from our anxieties. When we have understood that we must have this trust in God, it is easy to pray.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)

Work by the Apostles of Infinite Love, Werk der Apostel der unendlichen Liebe

“The thought of Heaven must be for us a stimulus, an encouragement to always go forward, to always do more for God. Excelsior! Always higher!” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)

Work by the Apostles of Infinite Love, Werk der Apostel der unendlichen Liebe

“Fervor is the application, the care we put into accomplishing each of our actions as perfectly as possible to please God.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)

Work by the Apostles of Infinite Love, Werk der Apostel der unendlichen Liebe

“Let us cling to the study of our Master so that we may walk in His footsteps. Isn't it His great desire that each of us should follow in His footsteps, imitating His divine examples from the Crib to Calvary? I have given you the example, He said, so that you may do as I have done.(Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)

Work by the Apostles of Infinite Love, Werk der Apostel der unendlichen Liebe

“Perhaps all the human efforts you have made to obey God will come to nothing, you will feel as if you are running in circles. It is then that God will put His hand to reward you and He will come to crown your efforts. God only crowns the efforts, only the hard work that we have imposed on ourselves to try to adjust on Him.” (Father John Gregory)

Work by the Apostles of Infinite Love, Werk der Apostel der unendlichen Liebe

“Our purpose is eternal, it is divine. The more we apply ourselves to become true servants of God, diligent to renounce ourselves, to carry our cross, to follow Jesus in all righteousness of soul, the more we will become His friends. I will no longer call you My servants, but My friends, says Jesus.” (Fr. Mathurin)

Work by the Apostles of Infinite Love, Werk der Apostel der unendlichen Liebe

“We are the children of God, our service must be full of love like that of a child who is careful to please his father.  These are the type of servants God wants of us, servants with the love and eagerness of good children for their beloved parents.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)

Work by the Apostles of Infinite Love, Werk der Apostel der unendlichen Liebe

“We can pray in all our activities. How many moments we can thus dedicate to prayer. We must seize the opportunities and that is how you will become souls united with God, souls in contact with the divinity.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)

Work by the Apostles of Infinite Love, Werk der Apostel der unendlichen Liebe

“If we realize to what extent we need God, our whole life will become a constant prayer. We do not pray because we are not conscious of our need: a continual need for divine assistance in all areas, even in a purely human sphere.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)

Work by the Apostles of Infinite Love, Werk der Apostel der unendlichen Liebe

«“The time God gives us is precious; it has a value of eternity. Every moment has its eternal repercussion. This day that God has given us, it will not return; all the years of our past life will not return. We are left with the present moment and the future, but the future is not certain. Maybe tomorrow we will be no more. Let us sanctify every moment...” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)

Work by the Apostles of Infinite Love, Werk der Apostel der unendlichen Liebe

“Let's think a lot about all our brothers and sisters on earth. May the good Lord choose many servants from among them! May He raise up souls who will give themselves to Him, defend His cause, make Him loved.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)

Work by the Apostles of Infinite Love, Werk der Apostel der unendlichen Liebe

“Even though we must take care of the earthly things, go about our various occupations, let our hearts and minds often turn to God and be attentive to Him. He that keeps My commandments, that is he that loves Me, says Jesus. And he that loves Me shall be loved of My Father, and I will love him also, and will manifest Myself to him. (Fr. Mathurin)

Work by the Apostles of Infinite Love, Werk der Apostel der unendlichen Liebe

“Whenever we realize that futile thoughts or things take hold of us, let's say, 'My God, forgive me! Deign to captivate my mind, my heart so that I may live only for You!" The good Lord will certainly answer such a prayer, for He created man to manifest Himself to him and be loved by him.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)

Work by the Apostles of Infinite Love, Werk der Apostel der unendlichen Liebe

“This is our vocation: to console our Father in heaven, and to intercede for His forgiveness. He likes to be led, by our love and prayers, to forgive our brothers and sisters on earth who forget Him.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)

Work by the Apostles of Infinite Love, Werk der Apostel der unendlichen Liebe

“We are gathered here to be united with Jesus our Savior, our Redeemer who died for us on the cross to save souls. It is the Good Shepherd who wishes to associate us in His work of salvation carried on through the ages.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)

Work by the Apostles of Infinite Love, Werk der Apostel der unendlichen Liebe

“The little child accepts with simplicity the teachings, the decisions of his parents. He believes "because Daddy said so", that's all! It is in these dispositions that we Christians must receive the Word of God and consider all that Providence has at our disposal for us, through events and persons, without trying to understand or analyze everything.” (Father John Gregory)

Work by the Apostles of Infinite Love, Werk der Apostel der unendlichen Liebe

“During His earthly life, Our Lord did all things with great simplicity. No long ceremonies! To choose His apostles, He said: "I choose you" and He appointed them. At the moment of the Incarnation, the Virgin Mary answered: Fiat, let it be done to Me according to your word. Nobody knew it. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. All the great things that the good Lord has done were done humbly, simply, without ceremony.” (Father John Gregory)