“It is through our prayer that graces fall upon souls. This is how we realize our vocation. We must never forget this, and all the apostolate we do is effective as long as we are united to God through prayer.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“I would like to thank especially our benefactors, all those who help us in one way or another. Whoever helps the Apostle shall have the Apostle's reward, says the Gospel.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“I urge you all to pray often for our benefactors, for all those who help us in various ways, materially but also with their prayers and sacrifices, and that's not the least of the benefits.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“Let us pray for our benefactors and friends. May God reward them, inspire them and give them spiritual graces in return for all their goodness to us.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“God wants to show mercy to mankind. For this, He needs souls ready to follow Him in His lowliness, who want to serve Him by forgetting themselves. "My God, it is You I want to serve. I am a sinner, but I want to follow You." The more these sentiments are true before God, the more God's mercy is extended to the soul and to other souls, the more the world is saved. God needs those souls, He's looking for them...” (Father Mathurin)
“Jesus asks us to bear fruit. Are our branches full of tasty apples? Do we bear fruit at all times, at all hours of the day? Are we not sometimes withered trees? The fruit that we must produce is acts of love for God. It is the glory of My Father that you bear much fruit, says Jesus.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“Those little pictures you hand out to people, the calendar you leave them, may it be a seed in their hearts to bring them closer to God, to inspire them to set themselves in prayer, to turn to God, to put God in their lives.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“As you travel with the calendar, pray for the souls you meet. Every time someone accepts your calendar, you must make a prayer for that person in your heart. Make a prayer, a supplication to God for these people.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
”Nothing honors and touches the good Lord more than the absolute trust we place in Him, and the surrender into His hands. If we do Him the honor of expecting everything from Him, He will put His hand in our lives and work wonders for us.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
«If God asks us to do very ordinary tasks, to make some small sacrifices for Him, do you think He cannot give us the grace to do so? God is almighty. He has asked some Saints to live in torments and He has given them the grace to do so. Let us have faith, brothers, in the grace of God.» (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“What vain preoccupations, instead of leaving all things in the hands of God who is so good, God Providence, who cares for the smallest circumstances of our existence and who will know how to lead us to the right port.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“One single child of God who has his heart wholly attached to his Father in Heaven, who is all attentive to Him and wants to please Him in everything, can console the Father in Heaven and make Him forget the multitude of sorrows that so many other souls cause Him by their indifference.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“Charity that doesn't calculate requires a great deal of self-forgetting. It is not without reason that Our Lord insists so much on renunciation in His Gospel. If anyone wants to come after Me, let him deny himself, let him carry his cross, and follow Me. Self-denial and self-sacrifice are absolutely necessary to achieve true charity.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“A sad saint is a sorry saint, says St. Francis de Sales. It is important to cultivate joy, not madness and foolishness. Happy people always find a way to see the bright side of things.” (Fr. John Gregory of the Trinity)
“My God, I adore Your Will. My only reference, the only desire in my life, is Your Will. No matter where You want to take me, no matter what lowliness I may encounter, all I want, my God, is Your Will.” (Fr. Mathurin of the Mother of God)
“As we meditate on the life of our Saviour, from His birth to His death, we see that His predilection goes to the little ones, the poor, the sick, the despised of this world. The shepherds to whom the Angels announced the birth of Jesus were very ordinary, with no claim to virtue, but they pleased God by their humility, their simplicity.” (Fr. John Gregory)
“In any case, let us practice nurturing supernatural life, fostering and developing it through the practice of virtues. Let us always have supernatural views, not human views. Let's not say, "I do this business because I like it." No, let us formulate our intentions: "I do it because God asks me to and I want to obey Him.” (Fr. John Gregory)
“Our conformity to the Will of God must be joyful. God loves a cheerful giver. The first preaching we expect from you is a radiant face. You don't know how much one goes against God's work by complaining. One should never complain. It's a great imperfection.” (Father John Gregory)
“Lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, says Jesus. Let us gather up treasures constantly, by all acts of virtue: prayers, Hail Marys, ejaculatory invocations in our comings and goings, acts of obedience, fidelity, acts of virtue of every kind, are all great treasures that we accumulate in the heavenly courts.” (Father John Gregory)
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